Vol. 3 Chosen Day (Flashback)

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In the time when the dragon faunus was still living many faunus found themselves looking to the four head clans for guidance which would lead to peace as the day a king would be chosen.

Me: "Father why are we again".

Your father: "My son we of the dragon clan have a responsability to protect our fellow faunus and we need a king or queen to watch over them which is why we are here to see who will be chosen as the first king of faunus".

As we walk into a huge room filled with faunus I was told to stand with the 3 faunus about my age in the middle as elders from our clans step forward holding a orb which begins to float in the air.

Elder Dragon Faunus: "Today we will choose the first king or queen from these four young faunus and we of the dragon clan have chosen to put F/n L/n forward for selection".

Elder Wolf Faunus: "We of the wolf clan have chosen to put Max Nightfall forward for the selection".

Elder Bat Faunus: "We of the bat clan have chozen Vlad Bloodfallen for zelection".

Elder Mermaid Faunus: "We of the mermaid clan put Sasha Marina forward for selection".

As we stood there waiting for the selection to begin I was wondering if I would be chosen and if I was able to live up to the role as the orb begins to glow.

Elder Wolf Faunus: "The selection will now begin only one will be chosen".

The room goes dark as the orb flashed on us before it stops however the light stopped on Max and me which surprised us as the selection was put to a discussion.

Max: "This is crazy I was clearly the best choice".

Vlad: "We muzt zee".

Max: "See what I have trained for years for this moment so why did it stop on him as well".

Sasha: "Maybe he has a skill you lack".

Me: "Max is right I don't have the skills to lead the faunus".

Max: "See even he knows he isn't the right choice for this the faunus need a strong leader not a weak willed dragon".

Sasha: "Stop it Max the 4 of us have been friends since we were little and yet you believe your better than F/n why because you have already had your awakening".

I was sitting there as Max walks over to me and drags me outside before tossing me to the ground.

Max: "Get up I'm going to prove why I'm better".

I stand up and ran at him but my lack of combat experience made it an unfair match as I was flipped on to the ground over and over however I keep getting up as Max used his semblance to hit me multiple times sending me flying.

Max: "Weak".

Max was walking away but I get up and look at him which I could tell pissed him off as he pulls out his weapon which draw a crowd and even the elders watched as Max looked like he was about to kill as he rushed at me.

???: "Master".

Me: "Huh who are you".

???: "Call my name and I will protect you".

Me: "But I don't know it".

???: "It's ???".

I was saw the intense look in Max's eyes as Sasha shouts for him to stop but I could tell he wasn't listening as he charged at me.

???: "Master your will must not waver now speak my name".

Me: "But I'm no king Max has power".

???: "Master you have heart which he lacks look at his weapon can you hear it scream because all he cares about is power but he know nothing of you now call me master".


After I said her name I had a black sword in my hand which blocks Max shocking everyone as I held him back and soon pushed him off and kick him which sent him flying into a wall.

Max: "Your dead".

Tsubaki: "Master do not fear him I am by your side and will aid you as you see fit".

Me: "Tsubaki you are not my weapon but my friend so if I trust you please place your trust in me".

As I focus on Max I feel my aura becoming different and in a split second it feels like I could tell what Max would do before he did it as I block an attack from behind without looking which shocked everyone.

Me: "Tsubaki lets claim victory".

I rush at Max and in seconds he was on the ground as I stood victorious but that quickly fades as I fell to the ground exhausted which was no surprise because when you awaken your weapon it takes a lot of energy.

Time Skip

After waking up I found myself in a carage with my father on our way back to our village and I was a little dizzy but sat up and look at him.

Me: "I'm sorry father I shouldn't have let Max push me into a fight I am a shame to our clan".

Your father: "No my son you did well to defend yourself from him for as long as I can remember that Max was so full of pride that I told his father it will only fuel his ego and as I said his ego became too large".

Me: "What about selection".

Your father: "Both of you have still got a chance to be named king of faunus but lets change the subject you finally awakened your weapon and she is quite beautiful".

Me: "Tsubaki where is she".

My dad points to my side and I see a woman sat next to me but I was confused.

Tsubaki: "Hello master I'm glad your awake".

Me: "Hold on are you Tsubaki".

Your father: "Indeed she is it's interesting to see a weapon actually be able to manifest a form of it's own which means the bond between you both is strong".

Me: "Tsubaki I hope we can work together and lead the faunus as a team".

Tsubaki: "I am your weapon and as long as you need me I will defend you from all who would seek to do you harm".

As the sun set it felt like something was coming which would change everything but I knew nothing of the events leading up to the wolf clan turning their back on humans and joined an unknown party who I would soon learn to be called Salem.

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