Team Bonding

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After you had returned to Beacon Ozpin gave you a good lecture but understood how your life had been tough but things didn't get easy as many of the students still looked at you with fear.

I was sitting with team RWBY and my team in the cafeteria eating lunch as I sense someone standing behind me only to look back and see Cardin.

Me: "Can I help you".

Cardin: "Yeah I want you to say sorry master Cardin for hurting you now say it".

Me: "No".

Cardin didn't like my answer and pours water over me my team and team RWBY all stood up looking like they were going to smack Cardin but I stopped them however he soon pulled me from my seat and tossed me making me land on the floor.

Cardin: "Come on get up".

Cardin watched me get to my hands and knees before he kicked me in the stomach forcing me back to the floor as he starts laughing while the rest of his team picks me up as Cardin walks over.

Cardin: "Now learn your place".

Cardin soon began punching me and I could see my team and team RWBY looking as if they were about to step in but I hold my hand up and let Cardin continue even as my head began to bleed.

Weiss: "Ok Cardin that is enough".

Cardin: "Shut it this beast need to be taught who is in charge around here".

Weiss: "Who a bully who thinks picking on those who are different makes him strong because all I see is a coward".

Cardin soon spins round and slapped Weiss causing her to fall to the floor as team RWBY got ready to attack however I break free of Cardin's team and throw Cardin into a wall.

Me: "Hit me all you want or maybe you wish to insult my race that's fine however don't you ever hit my friends again because the next time you do".

I pick Cardin up by his neck and look him dead in the eyes as my eye begin to glow as I gave off a sense of murder.

Me: "I WILL SHOW YOU A TRUE HELL". (in a demonic tone)

After I let Cardin go I walk over to Weiss and help her to her feet but I still see the same look of fear in everyones eyes and leave for outside where I sit under a tree on warm sunny day.

Me: "Life is not going to be easy right master".

As the day went on I still could't stop seeing the fear in peoples eyes and so most of the day was spent alone with only team RWBY and my team actually spending time with me but I finally got to my teams dorm.

Paul: "Well that was an interesting day".

Olivia: "Speak for yourself".

Elizabeth: "So F/n I have been meaning to ask but what is your semblance".

Me: "Lets see how should I explain my semblance is time based so basically I can stop time in a set range however it has 2 flaws 1 I can freeze a person but not their semblance like how Weiss could use her glyphs to avoid my attack even though she was frozen as for the 2nd flaw anything outside my range isn't frozen which means they can attack me if they wish".

Paul: "That is cool so does your semblance have a name".

Me: "I was never really sure but since to everyone it's as if the world is frozen I decided to call it The World".

Paul: "Nice name my semblance is not that great it's call Explosive King basically I can turn anything into a bomb the only thing that changes is the destructive power the big the object the more damage it does".

Olivia: "At least you can fight with yours mine is all support mine is called Angel it basically is only good for healing or protection which mean zero combat power if you ask me it sucks".

Elizabeth: "Sis I told you it's still helpful because if we are injuried your there to help us recover my semblance unlike my sisters is more combat based I call it Amazon it increases my strength and speed greatly however long use will cause me a lot of pain".

Me: "You all have great semblances but I have been meaning to ask who is the leader".

They all looked confused before looking at me.

Paul, Olivia and Elizabeth: "You".

Me: "Me wait what why?"

Paul: "Because you have a far greater combat experience from the years of fighting you did".

Elizabeth: "And besides none of us are leader material".

Olivia: "I agree with them and besides your already put down as the leader of team HOPE".

Me: "Well I guess I will need to live up to that title".

Me and my team spend the next few hours talking before finally going to bed however I was still awake looking up at the moon.

Me: "The night is calm it feels nice".

Chibi RWBY

Chibi Weiss: "We hope your enjoying this story so far even though a certain dummy nearly got us cancelled with her 4th wall break accident.

Chibi Ruby: "I said I was sorry besides your the one who was like oh RWBY anime is going well.....".

<Cracking Wall>

Chibi Ruby: "Oh no".

DemonKing2099: "RUBY"

<Chibi Ruby ran away>

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