Vol. 3 Fallen God

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In the last chapter you, Weiss, Salem and Ozpin/Oscar were locked in combat with Lumino who was formed by the God of light and darkness becoming one as the fight continues.

To You

You and Weiss were using combo moves to chip away at Lumino but his magic makes it difficult to get a hit on him before he starts fighting back.

Weiss: "We haven't made a single cut on him".

Ozpin: "Ms Schnee do not lose faith we still have a chance".

You stand up as you ready Tsubaki but you could tell Lumino wasn't getting any weak in fact it was as if his power was increasing but why and how.

Lumino: "I have played your little game long enough now to end this starting with that mortal girl".

Me: "Weiss move".

It was already too late as he appear before her and placed a hand in front of her and before you could do anything a hole was blown right through her as she falls to the floor.

Me: "WEISS".

Ozpin quickly forced Lumino away as me and Salem get over to Weiss and I hold her in my arms.

Me: "Weiss hey stay with ok".

Weiss didn't give an answer as I feel tears fall down my face as I hear the others scream for Weiss to wake up but I knew she was gone as I lay her on the ground before gripping Tsubaki so tight my hand bleeds and I look over at Lumino before walking towards him.

Me: "Tsubaki I need power will you grant it to me"

Tsubaki: "Master if you do that your soul will burn out".

Me: "Weiss is gone so I have nothing left to lose so lets do it".

Tsubaki starts glowing before she vanished as everyone looks at you as you change your hair turns white as your aura turns into flames which covers your fist as marks appear on your body and you suddenly disappear but just as quickly reappear with a knee to Lumino's face sending him crashing into the cage.

Lumino: "What power".

Me: "A secret art passed down through the generation Soul Drive by giving up my weapon my power increases and now I'm going to kill you Lumino".

Lumino vanished as you did the same however once you both clash fists the pair of you are revealed but Lumino is soon knocked back as he noticed his hand was burned but smiled but soon lost it once he noticed it wasn't healing.

Lumino: "I see now this incredible power you have is most impressive however great power must also come with a great cost".

Me: "Yeah it does Soul Drive uses my soul as fuel and once this power fade so to does my life it's a last resort technique but right now I don't care if I die".

Lumino was actually afraid at your words as you rush at him with your god like speed pushing him into the cage which didn't hold up as you break through it shattering the cage and soon toss Lumino into the sand below with enough force that the ground shook.

To Ozpin

Ozpin: "Mr L/n has gained such power but the cost must be high but with what he just saw it was most likely worth it".

Salem: "I can heal her but the soul not so much unless I use my soul to reignite her own".

Ozpin: "But doing so will bond you to Ms Schnee".

Salem: "I have made so many suffer but maybe I can do some good in the end so this is goodbye my love".

Ozpin couldn't speak as he was in too much pain to speak a single word after all he had only just got her back and now she was going to be lost once more.

Lumino: "This mortal is actually hurting me but my power will outlast him".

You soon appear and punch Lumino in the face he tries to attack but you catch his arm and break it causing him to scream as his now broken arm turns purple as he stumbles back.

Me: "Your a puny god".

This comment makes Lumino's angry as he summons a sword and starts fighting with a single arm but you stand there as Lumino's sword didn't even leave a scratch as he was shocked at how strong you had become.


Me: "Because I am the dragon of the ice queen".

I soon see Lumino start to glow as he laughs at me and everyone watched as he glows brighter and brighter.

Lumino: "I will end all of you by destroying everyone so mortal how does it feel to lose".

Me: "Shut up because this is just sad".

Lumino was confused as you place a hand in front of him and suddenly he stops glowing and was unable to move.

Lumino: "What did you do".

Me: "I simply turned back the clock and locked it so how does it feel to lose to a mortal".


Me: "I'm F/n L/n".

You swipe your hand across at such speed it cut his head clean of which soon leads to his body disappearing as you start walking back to the others where you see Salem doing something to Weiss's body.

Me: "What are you doing".

Salem: "Restoring life to her by using my soul as a replacement".

Everyone watched your power start to fade which just like clock work you fall holding your chest in pain which they all noticed as Salem remembers what you said and Ozpin also remembers as he sat next to Salem.

Ozpin: "Use my soul to save Mr L/n just like how you are trying to restore Ms Schnee".

Salem would have refused but she saw your time was quickly running out as she start and they both begin to fade but Oscar was left uneffected by this since he and Ozpin had not fully become one as both you and Weiss start to regain the colour in you faces after which you both wake up but Salem and Ozpin are gone.


After what happened everyone explained and strangely enough things actually started getting better you were named king of the faunus, Weiss took over as over as head of the Schnee Dust Company, Yang and Blake actually got married and are now travling around Remnant seeing what the world has to offer, Ruby is teaching at the restored Beacon under the new head mistress Glynda Goodwitch as for team JNR well they all actually started helping to rebuild Atlas.

Me: "The sun set is truely beautiful but I think your even more beautiful Weiss".

Weiss: "Well you did marry me after all.

Me: "So when do you want to tell the others about them".

After few weeks after the battle with Lumino you and Weiss started to see and hear Salem and Ozpin who were now spirits that are bond to you and Weiss but only you and Weiss can see them.

Weiss: "Leave them after they can't do much but what about you Tsubaki is still not back".

Me: "Maybe I just don't have the spirit to use her anymore".

Tsubaki: "Master".

You look and see Tsubaki's sword appearing in front of you as you hold he but it also appears with a sword for Weiss it was snow white.

Weiss: "Well now that's sorted what now".

Me: "Let see where fate takes us".

You both vanished in the blink of an eye as if you were both spirits leaving no trace behind but every now and then rumors of an ice queen and her dragon would surface making everyone ask who they are.


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