Vol. 3 Broken Spirit

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The battle between you and Max continues as ground shatters with every swing of our blades until we back away.

Max: "Why won't you just die".

Me: "Because I have too much to lose".

Max rushed at me but I continue blocking even his semblance was becoming useless against me since I had managed to get the patten of his attacks I soon managed to use his own portals to launch my counter attack hitting him in the shoulder.

Me: "Max face it over the years you have only stayed the same not wanting to improve because of your pride but my friends have pushed me to become a better person so I will give you this chance yield".

Max: "I spent years training to prepare for the day I would be chosen as the king but then you had to ruin it by being selected and now you want me to surrender like hell I will you dragon bastard".

Me: "Max I ask you to yield because despite what has happened I still see you as my friend and I don't want to spill any more blood so please yield".

Max: "Fuck you and also don't think I can't smell it that filthy human scent to think one of the great clans would fall so low a to become the mate of a human and a Schnee no less but I guess for you she is diamond whore".

I toss Tsubaki in the air and rush at Max he makes a quick swing but I slide under his blade and pull his legs causing him to fall on his front as I stand up and slam him into the ground before punching his face into the ground as blood begins to coat my fists I was about to kill him but stop and catch Tsubaki and begin walking away.

Max: "Were are you going I'm not finished with you".

Me: "But I'm through with you your not worth it you never were".

My word trigger Max to finally lose it as he gave into his anger and stood up causing me to look as I see his sword cracked meaning it knew he was done but Max did something which was made forbidden.


Max's sword breaks as he became surround by energy as he smiled like he had just won but this was his last mistake as I turn and look at him.

Me: "So you couldn't surrender no you had to commit the sin of destroying your own spirit weapon to absorb its power you have lost Max and you don't see it".

Max: "Don't give me that crap it was a weapon which was made from me so this is my power now with my power you'll die".

Max takes a stance and pulls the energy into his hands which is soon turned into a bright beam which comes flying towards me.

Max takes a stance and pulls the energy into his hands which is soon turned into a bright beam which comes flying towards me

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Me: "Your a fool".

I stand ready while holding Tsubaki and focus on the attack in front of me and all the people who helped me get here Ruby, Blake, Yang, Max, Vlad, Sasha, Jaune, Ozpin, Oscar, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, Raven, Emerald but most of all Weiss as I cut his attack in half and rush at Max.

Max: "I can't lose to you not again".

Max rushed at me hand ready like a spear to strike me down as we got closer I hear his weapon asking for me to end the pain but it wasn't for it's self no it was for Max so I put everything I have in this last strike.

Max: "F/N"

Me: "MAX"

Our attacks connect and everything shook as the dust begins to clear all that could be heard was the sounds of dripping until finally the dust cleared completely and everyone saw that Max had grazed my cheek but sword was through his chest as a look of shock was on Max's face.

Me: "It's over Max".

Max was still shocked but it slowly turned to a smile as I pull my weapon out of him and hold him as I lay him on the ground.

Max: "Well look at that you won haha I should be pissed that I lost but it's stange I actually feel happy hey tell me do you think I will see Suzaki and if I do will she forgive me".

Me: "As we were about to collide I heard her voice and she said "please free my master from his rage" in the end she knew the real you my friend".

Max gave a smile as I watched his body turn to ash which happens to those who destroy their soul weapon Max knew this would be the result but his pride blinded him and made him lose his way but now that it's over his spirit will finally get to find peace.

Weiss: "F/n".

Me: "I'm good Weiss but we still have one last thing to do".

I look at Salem and walk towards her with Tsubaki at the ready should the Grimm start trying to attack me but to my surprise they didn't even try but was it fear or an order I would soon find out as I now stand in front of Salem.

Me: "Ok Salem your move cure or a never ending war your choice".

Salem: "The gods are beyond your understanding besides why do you care".

Me: "I don't but what Jinn showed us was what happened and we believe you were punished for being human how they made you and that can't stand but at the same time I agree you tried to break the law of nature so please let me cure you and end this war".

Salem looked around at the destruction and for the first ever I saw actual remorse over the fear she caused and nods her head as I begin to use my semblance on her hoping to fix the curse.

Me: "Now let this war end".

Salem began to chang her Grimm appearance starts to melt away as her once human self returns but that was only the start now I had to try and remove the curse that makes her immortal.

Me: "Half way just a little more".

Salem was soon glowing and before a small explosion caused me to get knocked back and soon a the glow on Salem shatters and falls off her to reveal her human self as Salem touched her face in shock.

Salem: "It worked I'm human".

I smile that the plan actually worked and stand up as Ozpin walked over to her.

Ozpin: "I'm happy your back my love".

Salem: "Ozma I'm so sorry".

Ozpin: "No I'm sorry I should of thought about this years ago but I didn't Mr L/n thank you".

I nod as they share a kiss not going to lie it felt a little weird seeing Salem kiss Ozpin since it was Oscar's body but it was fine after all the really battle was going to start soon and every ally would be needed.

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