Vol. 2 Burning Dragon

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After the fall of Beacon the final member of team RWBY was the one taking it hardest as she had lost a piece of herself to Adam Taurus and now she struggles to find the path that leads to her future.

To Yang

Yang was sitting in her room looking out at the forest that surrounded her home while her father Tai Xiao Long was down stairs preparing dinner. After a couple more minutes Yang decided to get up and try to train but this was only a reminder of how she was so weak compared to her teammates Ruby could lead, Weiss could strategise and Blake was great at stealth but she was just nothing.

Yang: "I'm pathetic".

Yang looked into the mirror in her bedroom and saw how she was a shell of her former self hair a mess but she could also see her missing right arm as she sat down and tries to fix her hair but fails. After a couple attempts she gave up and just heads down stairs and sat in the living room which he father noticed as he walks over and sat next to her.

Tai: "Yang you look nice".

Yang: "I know your lying".

Tai: "Listen Yang I know it's difficult right now but things will get better I'm sure of it oh and you got some mail one from a mystery sender and another from Atlas".

Tai opens the package from Atlas to reveal a prosthetic arm which Ironwood had sent to replace the one she lost as for the other Yang took it and opens it up only to find it's a letter.

Tai: "Who is it Yang".

Yang: "Not sure it just says to meet them at this location".

Tai: "Well lets go after all it might be a friend of your".

So Tai and Yang hop in the car and drive to location mentioned in the letter but it was strange because the location was a huge lake of clear water.

Yang: "Anyone here".

Yang's question wasn't answered and it soon looked like it was just a joke letter as she was about to walk back to the car as a chilling fog surrounds them causing her to look at the lake and see woman floating above the water only she had a tail instead of legs sort of like a mermaid.

Yang: "Did you send this".

???: "Yes but it was requested to me by an old friend of mine said a certain blonde girl with a missing right arm was in need of guidance am I correct".

Yang: "I don't need help because I'm just happy with my life so no thanks".

???: "He was correct about you the once burning fire that blazed within you has dimmed and is nothing but an ember you refuse to let grow and burn once more because your afraid of Adam".

Yang stopped in her tracks as she turns to the woman and saw she was not lying but Yang already knew that after losing to Adam she was afraid and she hated it.

???: "I know your fear but if you let it rule your life all that waits is death and destruction but he told me your a strong person".

Yang: "But who told you because you say he but who is that".

???: "Only in time will that question be answered but right now tell me does your fire wish to burn bright once more or is it dead".

Yang: "Please help me become stronger".

The mermaid faunus raised her arms to the sky as bubbles of water fill the air until the start to gather together.

Sasha: "My name is Sasha Marina my semblance is water manipulation so it will form into a person you wish to speak to however it will only be as real as you believe it to be".

Sasha watched as she bubble of water began to form a person however the shape is unstable and it keeps changing. Yang was unsure of who had answers but she knew she needed help and to her surprise the huge bubble splits into four and the forms become stable as they take shape of Ruby, Weiss, Blake and you.

Ruby: "Hey sis what's with the long face".

Weiss: "Could you be any more stupid".

Blake: "She has a point Yang".

You: "Now come on we are here to give her aid after all we are only duplicates of the originals so Yang tell us what you need".

Yang: "I don't know everything is just a mess Ruby your a great leader which I could never do, Weiss you strategies are far more useful than my strength, Blake your so much like a ninja always stealthy and quiet but I could never be like you and F/n you died and I wasn't able to help you because of my weakness".

Yang felt tears run down her face before they are wiped away by the duplicates who cause her to look at them.

Ruby: "I'm first sis you might not be a leader but your far more important because to team RWBY your it fun and your always putting smiles on our faces so make sure when you see me again that you have a huge plate of cookies".

Yang watched as the Ruby duplicate disappears as Weiss steps forward.

Weiss: "Your right about my strategies are genius but they would be useless without your beserker power after all the more damage you take the stronger you become so show some pride in yourself also lets study hard together once this is all done".

Blake: "My turn Yang your my friend when I thought I was an outcast because of my White Fang history you stood by me every step believing in me and I am greatful to be honest if I hadn't met you I might have continued thinking I was alone so thanks for being my partner".

F/n: "I guess I'm last but that's fine Yang my death wasn't your fault I made the choice to protect everyone just as you made the choice to protect Blake sure you lost an arm but look at the bonds you made and if we are all being honest you still have more fight left in you so tell me is this who are you".

Yang: "I'm Yang Xaio Long the hottest member of team RWBY so watch me grow even stronger".

A smile forms as the final duplicate disappears as Tai watched her daughter regain her fire as they head back home where Yang took the arm Ironwood sent giving it a little paint before they begin their training to help Yang become stronger.

To Sasha

Sasha: "She is a stronger girl just like he said so tell me Vlad how is our friend".

Vlad: "He is fine but Max is back".

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