Vol. 3 Calling Gods

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After Salem was made mortal again we gather the relics and start phase 2 of our plan which would bring the gods back to remnant.

Me: "Ok is everyone ready".

Everyone nods as we start first the relics glow before a huge portal opens and the gods step through as we looked at them they looked round before seeing Salem.

God Of Light: "It would seem your free of your immortal curse does this mean you have seen the value in life".

Me: "God of light and God of darkness I am the one who set her free of the curse which you put on her".

God Of Darkness: "You take us for fools mortal only we gods can remove the spell placed on her".

Me: "After humans started to walk on remnant once more we found a new power called semblance and mine is control of time but let me ask you gods this did Salem deserve the curse of watching people die and to never see her lover again".

God Of Light: "She tried to break the law of nature that is why she was punish".

Me: "That is a big load of crap you punished her for something all humans want but who made us this way it was you the gods who after destroying the lives of everyone on remnant left".

I was soon forced to the ground by some strong energy which was coming from the God of darkness.

God Of Darkness: "Learn to respect the us because we created you mortal".

Me: "Fuck you all you did was curse someone for doing how as you said both of you created us so tell me who is in the wrong".

I was soon floating in the air before get sent flying into a rock which Weiss quickly ran over to check on me as we see the gods merge into a single god.

I was soon floating in the air before get sent flying into a rock which Weiss quickly ran over to check on me as we see the gods merge into a single god

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Qrow: "Who the hell are you".

???: "Strange it has been many years since we were one".


Raven was soon sent crashing into a nearby rock as this mystery god did so withut even looking her way.

???: "Humans are still annoying it seems".

He looked our direction as he blocked my strike which came as a surprise to him when I actually started pushing him back slightly.

???: "Most impressive strength however I am a god so you will bow to me".

As if by magic I felt as if I was getting sucked down towards the ground before it increased causing us all to fall to the ground.

Yang: "I can't move".

Salem: "It's magic".

???: "Indeed you must be Salem I must say not very impressive but then again I never expected you to actually break free most strange".

Lumino: "My name is Lumino and I am the god born from darkness and light".

Me: "Lumino huh well thanks because now I know the name of the god that will taste my blade".

Lumino watched as I stood up which shocked him a little because of my will to fight as everyone else was spread away and forced to watch as he used his power to make a cage surrounding the both of us.

Lumino: "Now we can unleash our full power".

I was making a rush for him however I soon found myself only striking nothing but air as I look to my side and see he had move with incredible speed before punching me into the ground and the force of impact caused me to bleed.

Weiss: "F/N".

Weiss ran over over to the cage hoping to squeeze through and even though she struggled after a couple pushes she managed to get inside however Lumino soon appears before her and placed a hand in front of her face.

Lumino: "Be gone girl".

Weiss was soon sent flying into the cage which binds around her as I struggle to move but seeing Weiss get hurt gave me a little more strength to stand up but I was in serious pain holding my left arm which felt broken.

Me: "Your....fight....is....with me".

Lumino: "It's impressive you can stand after my strike but you are no challenge so here is a taste of 15% of my true strength".

Lumino took a stand and with very little effort the ground shook and the air became tense as everyone watched.

Lumino: "Han ve toku isha re zeku cozaki....".

Salem: "F/n you must dodge he is going to kill you".

I wanted to but the shock of the last attack was still holding me from moving as I see Lumino prepare his attack.

Lumino: "Ina matsu".

Lumino finished his attack and huge beam of light comes shooting for you but everyone watched as you are hit by the attack and a hole was blown through the cage as the attack begins to fade everyone looks hoping you was ok but Lumino couldn't care less about you.

Weiss: "NO".

Lumino looked at Weiss who had a look in her eyes which shows her rage at what he had done but as he makes a sword made from light and walks towards her a sudden pressure caused him to stop as everyone feels it and looks to see you covered in wounds and blood but your now shirtless.

Me: "Touch her and you will see hell".

Lumino looked back and for the first time every he was showing actual shock at the fact you were still alive after that as Salem and Ozpin get in to the cage before it repaired it's self.

Ozpin: "Mr L/n we need to fight him together".

Salem: "We will act as support so don't hold back".

Me: "I won't come to me Tsubaki".

Your sword came flying back to your hand as Salem and Ozpin prepare to fight as Weiss was forced to watch the 3 of you.

Lumino: "Come at me mortals".

We rush at him Ozpin and you make attacks allowing Salem the chance to free Weiss from her binds so she could join in the fight which she did as she used ice dust to freeze Lumino in place while you and Ozpin attack but Lumino breaks free but you managed to graze him drawing a little blood.

Lumino: "All that work for a drop of blood".

We watched as Lumino's wound healed within seconds and we knew at that moment this battle not going to be easy.

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