Vol. 2 Old Friends

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Weiss was on her way out of Atlas crossing through an area infested with Lancers but she knew there was no going back as the try an avoid them however a small squad of Lancers spot them and give chase.

Weiss: "Can't this thing go any faster".

Pilot: "This a cargo ship not a battle ship normally we avoid these areas".

The Lancers soon begin attacking the ship forcing Weiss to go on the attack to defend it as she creates her own Lancer allowing her to fight in the air. A Lancer spots her as it makes a quick attack which Weiss managed to avoid as she made a red glyph which shot a ball of fire killing the Lancer.

Weiss: "That's one".

Weiss flies after them but the Lancers had no interest in her as she lands back inside the ship as they continue their attack as the Lancer queen arrives.

Pilot: "That thing is huge".

Weiss: "That must be the queen".

As they avoid the queen Lancer Weiss got an idea as she has the pilot to fly straight up while she used a black glyph to keep from falling as she drops crates full of dust at the queen before blowing it up.

Pilot: "Did that kill it".

Weiss waited before it burst through the smoke and slams into the ship knocking it out the air before it crashed.

To Yang

Yang had left her home in search of someone who could help her get to her sister that person was her mother but thanks to Tai she had a little more of a clue where she is as she rides her bike into a town where she enters a bar in the hopes of finding a person who knew her mothers location.

Bartender: "So what can I get you".

Yang: "Water".

Random guy: "So what's a fine woman like you doing all alone".

Yang: "Actually I'm looking for someone maybe you know her Raven Branwen".

The room soon went quiet as she knew her mother was feared by anyone who knew of her but that just made it easy to find people who knew her personally before she left by 5 guys who she beats up when they try to assult her but she was lucky because they gave her Raven's location.

To Weiss

Weiss was just waking up after her ship crashed before she crawls out the wreckage as she stood up and looked round she found no sign of Grimm which was good since she was in no condition for a fight however she was soon attacked by a group of people.

Weiss: "Who are you people".

???: "That is nothing you need to worry about Weiss Schnee after all your about to get back home to you rich life while we just get rich".

Weiss: "If you think people like you can't take me back think again".

Weiss tries to create something however because of her injuries from the crash which made it difficult as it fails allowing them to knock her out.

Time Skip

Weiss wakes up only to find her hands our tied and her rapier was in the hands of woman looking at her who calls herself Vernal but Weiss soon saw a small locket in her hand which belonged to Weiss.

Weiss: "Give that back".

Vernal: "What this it's just a stupid locket but the guy inside is cute maybe I'll show him what a real woman is like".

Weiss tries reaching for her but Vernal backs away as Weiss was clearly angry at her words and how she spoke of you.

Weiss: "That was the man I loved so don't insult his mermory by acting like some slut".

Vernal: "You know he is probably happy without you princess".

Vernal leaves as Weiss sat down trying to hold back the tears as she tries to manifest something which she does but it was tiny and lacks any power but it was strong enough to break her out which she does but at that moment a piece of cloth falls only to reveal Yang and another woman.

Weiss: "Yang"

Yang: "Weiss"

They ran to each other and hug just happy to see each other as many of the group surround them as the sound of footstep get closer and closer causing everyone to look in that direction as a man covered by a black cloak walks towards them.

???: "Single sword technique drako thrust".

As he says that he pulls out a sword which he thrust but nothing happens until people were pushed away from Weiss and Yang allowing him to walk over to them as a single bandit rushed at him but the mystery man grabs his hand and slowly crushes it. Weiss could see the mystery man's arm and it was shocking it was covered in blue scales but what surprised her the most was what he said next.

???: "This snowflake is with me so back away".

Yang: "Hold that voice no way".

Weiss: "F/n".

The man looks at her and removed his hood to reveal his face and Weiss was over come by happiness as you gave her a smile.

Me: "Hey snowflake still beautiful I see".

Weiss: "You baka"

Weiss ran over to you and grabs you before pulling you into a deep passionate kiss which caused you to let go of the guy and hold her tight as you deepen the kiss.

Yang: "Well your relationship is still Yanging I see".

Weiss: "Yung shoot oop" = Yang shut up.

Yang knew what she said and let them have their moment which lasted for 10 minutes before they finally break for some air.

Weiss: "I....missed....you".

Me: "Me....too....snowflake".

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