Vol. 3 Taking A Stand

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After Raven joined our group I looked out at Vacuo unsure if what we planned would not bring destruction to this kingdom but I knew what needed to be done.

Weiss: "F/n are you ok".

Me: "Just taking how peaceful it is before we bring war to this kingdom".

Weiss: "I heard from Blake about your talk why didn't you tell her about you know".

Me: "I didn't want pity not now".

I feel Weiss's hands on my back as we watch the sun start to set before we head inside to put things in motion.

Me: "everyone ready".

They all nod as I start broadcasting my message to Salem but also to everyone in Remnant.

Me: "People of Remnant my name is F/n L/n and this is my message to all of you but also to Salem you can destroy the kingdoms you can crush cities but you could never destroy Remnant because it's not a kingdom or a place but it's the people so long as there is people we will protect them to the end so Salem we believe we can cure you of your curse so come get some".

After we end the broadcast we all prepare for the fight ahead because Salem would most likely come for war as I get ready I look at my sword which had also changed since the fall of Atlas.

Weiss: "F/n can I come in".

Me: "Sure".

Weiss: "I was just wondering what your plan is to defeat the gods when it starts".

Me: "I wish I could tell you but if I do it will only hurt you and that is the last thing I want to do".

Weiss: "I had a feeling but I actually hoped I was wrong but no I was right but tell why".

Me: "Weiss".

Weiss: "Why do have to suffer but no even after you struggled the world continues to take and now it asking for your life it's not fair".

I walk over to her and hold her tight hoping to calm her down since I knew this was hurting her.

Me: "I have had a great life I met you and fell in love nothing will ever take that away".

After Weiss calmed down we head out to join the others on the bullhead where it would take us to face Salem as we fly I see people cheering us on as we fly off.

To Salem

Salem watched as our bullhead lands and we exit weapons ready as we see the horde of Grimm behind her.

Salem: "Do you all think that the 12 of you can defeat my army of Grimm".

Me: "We want this to end just as much as you Salem and I believe our plan to cure you will work I just need a moment".

Salem: "Attack".

Salem sends her army and our battle begins each of us making a stand as thousands of Grimm swarm us but our skills allow us to hold our own in this fight.


I rush through the Grimm slicing them up as I make my way through however as I was getting closer to Salem her ally joins the fight but he was focused on me as we knew each other very well as we clash blades.

Me: "So we finally get to see who is strongest right Max".

He removed his cloak finally showing his true form as the Grimm gave us room to fight as Salem watched on.

This is what Max looks like

This is what Max looks like

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