All Or Nothing

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It had been a couple weeks since with you and your team becoming even greater huntsmen and huntress but most of all team RWBY had become great friends but right now your on a training mission.

Ruby: "Come on guys we are almost done".

Me: "Is she always like this".

Weiss: "Yes she is and to be honest it's a real pain".

As we slay more Grimm I soon see a village which I knew all to well and walk in and look around as I see all the destruction that was left behind as I remember that day as I feel a hand on my shoulder and look back to see Weiss.

Weiss: "Are you ok".

Me: "Yeah".

Weiss: "What is this place".

Me: "It was my village but that was a long time ago".

Weiss: "What happened".

Me: "Humans attacked slaying my people blood coating the streets soon followed by fire and destruction but I saw your father order their deaths and that is why I hate the Schnee I lost everything".

I could tell Weiss was sorry for what happened to me but I knew we had to rejoin the group before I sense something coming and pull her away.

Me: "Weiss you ok"

She nods as I set her down as watch a cloaked man walking towards us but I managed to see white furry under his cloak.

Me: "Who are you?"

???: "Someone like you who lost everything to humans mainly the Schnee so how about you join me to silence her".

Me: "No chance she is my friend so if you want to harm her be warned that I will kill if need be".

???: "Such a shame but if that's how it must be then so be it".

The mystery man rushed at me and we locked fists be he was clearly skilled at hand to hand combat but I had a slight advantage. I make a sweep of his feet however he quickly jumps and knees me back but I remain on my feet as I deliver a spinning back hand forcing him to stumble backwards.

???: "Impressive but your still not strong enough".

He threw some blades at me which all hit as he slips by and takes a knife out of his pocket and goes for an attack on Weiss but I block it and push him away but as he falls away he threw a small ball at us which released some purple smoke.

Me: "Weiss you ok".

Weiss: "I think so".

???: "With that the deed is done may you burn in hell Schnee".

I was about to attack him before I hear a thud only to see Weiss on the ground looking a little sick as purple veins appear on her body.

???: "Oh it's working faster than I thought".

Me: "What have you done".

???: "Just a little poison but there is a cure however getting it may be difficult since it's at the top of Mountain Glenn".

I knew he was telling the truth because I did a little research Mountain Glenn was a thriving city until hordes of Grimm made it impossible to live at so they closed it off to any huntsmen or huntress Mountain Glenn is nothing more than a death trap.

Me: "Tell me is the cure really there".

???: "Yes it's called the moonlight lily and you better hurry because you have until sundown or the Schnee is gone but so are you bye dragon of the north".

The mystery man disappears as I quickly get Weiss to Beacon where the doctor began running tests but I knew they couldn't help but knew what could as I leave.

Me: "Weiss I will save you even if it costs me mine".

As I jump on an empty bullhead and take off I noticed Paul and Ruby watching me leave but I had to focus on a single goal. I quickly arrive at Mountain Glenn and land at the base as to not alert the Grimm as I start walking through the thick forest but I knew I couldn't avoid the Grimm completely as a Beowolf slashed my back cutting it with it's sharp claws.

Me: "I don't have time for this".

I take hold of Tsubaki and quickly kill the Beowolf as I soon look and see an Ursa which rips my shirt slicing my somach open before I slice it's head off as I continue to walk up the mountain while holding my now injuried stomach. I make it half way up as a pack of Beowolves and about 10 Ursa stand in my way but I take a deep breath and rush at them cutting my way through their forces however I was quickly overwhelmed as a Beowolf sinks it's teeth into my shoulder as more Grimm pounce taking bites into my skin.

Me: "GET OFF".

I used all my strength to force them off as I sliced the rest in half but my body was covered in blood from claw mark and bites as I continue to walk even heigher up the mountain with blood dripping from my body as I finally reach the top and see the flow in a beam of sunlight.

Me: "I made it".

I try to step towards the flower but my legs give out causing me to fall as I feel my body become unwilling to move as fresh crimson blood coats the green grass.

Me: "No I am so close Weiss needs that flower".

I force my body up which only made my wounds bleed even more as I walk to the flower and pick it up and smile as I noticed on my arms the same purple veins that Weiss had but I knew with only the single flower curing the 2 of us would be impossible.

Me: "Weiss is more important".

I make my way down the mountain passing Grimm along the way but none of them seemed to want to attack me which means they know about my condition and what it will mean. I board my bullhead and struggle to fly it but I do as I head towards Beacon my vision becomes a little blurry but I bare it and land before making my way towards the hospital to give them the cure for Weiss but every step hurt as I lean against the wall leaving a trail of blood along the wall.

Me: "Must save Weiss".

I manage to make it to the hospital passing other students along the way but I had to get to Weiss as I came through the door everyone was in shock at my state cuts all over my body but I give the doctor the flower and inform him of it's use as he heads off to prepare it. I soon fall to the ground exhausted but also overcome by the poison in my veins as I feel myself becoming very cold as I hear my friends calling for help as my eyes slowly close as I saw doctors and the teachers running to help but I finally gave in and fall unconscious.

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