The Beast Within

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It had been a whole month since you left Beacon without a trace but a single person still searched and that person was Weiss.

Ruby: "Weiss we should head back".

Weiss: "F/n needs me".

Yang: "Yeah but we have been searching for a whole month with no sign of him".

Weiss: "What do you want me to do give up or maybe you want me to forget would that make you happy".

Weiss was clearly angry at her team as she searched and searched before they all set up camp for the night. As everyone slept Weiss was the only person not sleeping as she looks up at the shattered moon hoping that she will find you.

Weiss: "I'll find you F/n".

Weiss was about to go to sleep before your voice calls out to her causing her to look out into the distance as she starts running towards your voice before she found herself standing in front of a huge cave.

Weiss: "F/n"

Weiss walks inside slowly but she soon found that the air in the cave was also becoming warmer and warmer the deeper she goes before reaching a large metal door with a dragon on it which she touched and instantly burnt her hand.


Weiss shouts but got no response as she looks round for a way to open the door before seeing a wheel that she turns as the door begins to open until it was completely open however the inside was pitch black however the sound of a low and deep growl could be heard.

Weiss: "F/n".

She was soon sees a set of bright yellow eyes appear as loud stombs could be heard getting closer and closer as she backs away before creature appears with a loud roar but this creature was a huge dragon with sky blue scales. Weiss quickly ran as the dragon took off after her but since Weiss was small she was much faster so she got out the cave only to bump into Ruby, Yang and Blake.

Ruby: "Weiss where have you been".

Weiss didn't get chance to answer as the dragon burst out the cave seeing team RWBY who all looked worried as the creature breaths before spitting blue fire.

Yang: "Weiss what the fuck is that".

Weiss: "I don't know I was following F/n's voice and it lead me here".

Ruby: "Well this thing is trying to kill us so here is the plan Weiss and me will keep it distracted while Yang and Blake go into the cave and find a way to stop it".

After Ruby made the plan they all began to follow it with Ruby and Weiss being the distraction so Blake and Yang could get in the cave.

To Yang and Blake

Yang and Blake ran into the place the dragon came frome but found nothing but scratch marks and burns.

Yang: "There is nothing about that creature here".

Blake: "Or maybe we just ain't seeing it".

Blake feels the scratch marks before looking at the whole room and trying to think up situations that would allow the creature to be here as she noticed torn clothes on the floor and after looking at the closely she knew who they belonged too.

Blake: "This place isn't a prison it's a training ground".

Yang: "Training for what".

Blake: "For control because that creature is F/n".

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