Vol. 2 Laying The Foundation

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I was waking up only to find myself on a beach surrounded by an endless sea but I also see a huge tree growing in the centre of the island.


My shouting was met by silence as I start looking round until I hear someone calling to me and start running as I reach the voice I see Weiss and I make it quick to run over and hold her.

Me: "I thought I was alone".

Weiss: "Me too but I heard you calling and if we are here the others must be too".

Me and Weiss walk into the forest and look for everyone else along the way we found a cave which we turned into a base we also found a waterfall which allowed us to have a bath but we couldn't find the others as we sit in the cave which we lit with a fire.

Me: "Weiss you should get some sleep".

Weiss: "I can't".

I was a little confused as I noticed why she couldn't even though we have been dating for a year now we never actually sleeped in the same room or bed.

Me: "If it makes it easy for you to sleep I can sleep outside".

Weiss: "No it's just I was wondering if I could make a greedy request".

Me: "Weiss nothing you ask for is greedy you have earned everything you have so what is the request".

Weiss: "Well I hear that faunus take a mate after a year of being in a relationship so would you mind us being mates".

I was confused before finally understanding what Weiss was asking and it caused me to go red.

Me: "Weiss that's um what bought this on".

Weiss: "After seeing you risk your life over and over I soon noticed that we haven't had time for us even when we finally found each other we never get a moment to ourselves but I'm scared that Salem will destroy us before we get the chance".

I knew what she means I lost my team people I didn't get the chance work with more and have fun like real friends but Weiss was different she was in my eyes an angel so I stand up and walk over to her.

Me: "Weiss is this what you really want".

Weiss nods as I lean in and kiss her soft lips but we hold each other as we get a little rougher and I lay Weiss on ground as we continue to kiss with heated passion.


I start removing the top of my suit showing off my abs and muscles as Weiss tossed off her top as well and soon we both were shirtless as I look at her catching my breath.

Weiss: "Don't stop".

Me: "Wouldn't dream of it".

I get back down and kiss down to Weiss's neck causing her to let out a delightful moan which made me happy as I continue soon my hand moves up to her breasts and starts rubbing them increasing her moans.

Weiss: "OH GOD".

I was soon stopped as Weiss pushed me on to my back and saddles me now unclapping her bra and tossed it over to our shirts.

Me: "Wow your".

Weiss: "Small".

Me: "Beautiful".

Weiss leans in and pressed her exposed breasts into my chest before I reach round and grab her ass which I squeeze causing her to scream even more as pull off her skirt soon followed by her panties leaving her completely exposed.

Me: "Weiss I know your answer but do you want to continue".

Weiss nods as I lean down to her legs and start kissing up her inner thigh moving slowly towards her soaking wet entrance as I look her in the eyes and stick my tongue into her pussy causing her to feel a shock of pleasure as I continue.

Weiss: "F/N I'M GOING TO..... AH!".

I was hit by Weiss's juices and pull back after she stopped as she pants from the stimulation however we didn't stop as she removed the last of my suit which allowed my 8 inch member to spring out as she takes it in her hand and starts stroking slowly.


Weiss picks up her strokes before causing me to recieve a surge of pleasure from her sticking it into her mouth which was so warm but the sudden surge makes me climax as I shoot my seed down Weiss's throat.

Me: "Weiss (pant) your (pant) incredible".

Weiss: "So (pant) are you".

Me: "We have one thing left but it will hurt".

I told Weiss as I watch her lay on her back and spread herself as an invite for me to come and finally mark her as mine which I do.

Me: "Ready".

Weiss: "Yes".

I line myself up with her pussy and slowly push inside as before forcing my way through her barrier causing her to wince in pain so I stay still for a good 20 minutes before she nods giving me the signal to move.

As I started my slow thrusts I hear Weiss scream not in pain but in pleasure as she wraps her legs around me keeping me in place as we continue to make love I pick up the pace as I watched her cute breast swing up and down.



I made sure not to slow down and I thrust as hard as I can which gave Weiss so much pleasure she claws at my back leaving scratch marks but I just keep going until we both reach the edge of pleasure.



Me & Weiss: "AH!".

Warning Ends

After we came down from our high of pleasure all we could do was lay in each others arms as we catch our breath.

Me: "Your mine now Weiss".

Weiss: "Does that make me your ice queen".

Me: "And me your dragon".

We fall asleep as the night sky shines bright with stars and our blissful moment was something we would both remember because the future was uncertain but one thing was clear our battle with Salem was not over not by a long shot.

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