Vol. 2 Lonely Kitten

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After the fall of Beacon Blake chose to return home in search of answers to te questions she had but would she agree with what she will find.

To Blake

Blake was standing in the deck of a ship on it's way to Menagerie in search of answers to questions but also some guidance but she was soon surprised by a set off hands over her eyes.

???: "Guess who".

Blake: "Knock it off Sun".

Sun quickly got round and stood by her side as Blake continues to look pissed but at what but only she knew that and Sun was willing to wait for her to open up.

Sun: "So where we off to".

Blake: "You mean me not we".

Sun: "No it's we because where you go I go because that's what friends are for".

Blake rolls her eyes as their ship arrives at Menagerie and just like Sun said he follows her as the see buildings as Sun tries to guess which was Blake only to soon be shock at the fact the mansion in the middle of town was hers.

Blake: "Sun behave".

Sun: "Behave I'm not a dog".

Blake: "Your right your just a filthy monkey".

Sun: "Hey I make to references and doing Frieza from Dragon Ball uncool".

Blake turns away and for a brief moment Sun could of sworn he just saw a smile on Blake's face so he lets it slide as Blake knocks on the door and a mature cat faunus answers.

Blake: "Hi mom"

Blake's mother soon embraced her daughter in a warm hug as her father soon came to check on his wife only to be pulled into the family reunion and they all soon head inside as Sun and Blake sat across from them.

Kali: "I'm Kali Belladonna and this is my husband Ghira Belladonna it's so nice to see me darling daughter found such a nice young man".

Blake: "Mom".

Sun: "Actually Mrs Belladonna I was just lucky to meet Blake she is strong I can tell she has worked hard to be the fine faunus she is today".

Blake was shocked at how Sun spoke about her he didn't make jokes instead spoke from the heart and it made her blush a little as Ghira noticed.

Ghira: "So Mr Wukong what is it that made you follow my daughter home".

Sun: "I simply wished to ensure she was safe after the fall of Beacon I was worried The White Fang might attack her on her journey with that I will take my leave thank you for having me".

Sun was about to leave as Ghira called out to him causing him to stop in his tracks.

Ghira: "Hold on you may stay you could of lied or made it a joke but you spoke honest and that makes you a trust worthy faunus".

Sun: "Thanks Mr Belladonna".

After Sun sat down Blake asked some of the questions which she had with most being answered until she asked one question.

Blake: "Dad can you tell me about the dragon clan".

Ghira: "Blake that is something we don't talk about so why are you asking".

Blake: "Because I met one but he was the last however it seemed like their was more to his clan so please tell me".

Kali: "Ghira it's time she knew".

Ghira: "Blake what I'm about to tell you stays between us but back when I was the leader of The White Fang I made an agreement with the dragon clan but things soon got out of hand".

Blake: "How".

Ghira: "The dragon clan were skilled warriors and their leader was the best after stepped down he suggested that I find someone who was like me who wanted peace instead of war however once Adam became the leader things changed".

Sun: "Changed how".

Ghira: "He turned on the dragon clan saying they should fight for the faunus or they will considered traitors to their own kind which forced the clan to refuse aid to The White Fang but this only made Adam look even more like a true leader but he wasn't happy with the fact that he dragon clan still had those who would follow them so he took action which was a mistake".

Ghira: "Adam wanted power and the dragon clan stood in his way so he went to their village with his version of The White Fang to force the dragons to submit to his leadership which they refused as Adam and Kuro battled with Kuro winning forcing The White Fang back".

Blake: "So what happened to them after that".

Ghira: "Adam was fulled by rage from his defeat he attacked a Schnee dust mine but what happened after that is something I hide in the hopes to keep The White Fang as a group of faunus who want peace but Adam used the humans to destroy the dragon clan and for many years we all believed the dragon faunus had gone extinct but at the fall of Beacon to our surprise there one was".

Sun: "If I might ask but who is this Kuro".

Kali: "Kuro was the leader of the dragon clan he was such a kind faunus and his son was such a cutie but it was strange his son had different coloured scales to his parents".

Sun: "What do you mean".

Kali: "Kuro had crimson red scales and his wife Asami had bright yellow scales and yet their son had sky blue scales".

Blake was the first to look surprised as she had a look of shock on her face.

Sun: "Blake is everything ok".

Blake: "Mom what was the name of the son".

Kali: "Lets see I believe it was F/n yeah that's it why".

Blake: "Because he is the dragon faunus I met at Beacon he also fell in love with my teammate Weiss Schnee".

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