Family Of Ice

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I was sat at a table next to Weiss as she talked to her sister Winter but what made me nervous was Winter was looking at me with an icy stare.

Me: "So Ms Schnee how was your trip".

Winter: "It was ok but enough about me what is your relationship with my sister".

Me: *Crap how do I answer this*.

Weiss: "He's my boyfriend".

I was in a moment of shock because I was worried at how Winter was going to react to her sister dating a faunus that I gulped.

Winter: "Boyfriend well that is interesting so tell me a little about yourself".

Me: "Of course I'm very skilled at combat however I still find myself losing to Weiss she has real skill".

Weiss: "Only because you let me win so you can flirt".

Winter: "I see so tell me F/n have you ever heard of the blue dragon".

At the moment she said that I took a gulp as Weiss was a little nervous at how Winter was get close to attacking you.

Me: "I can't say I have".

Winter: "Interesting because people say the blue dragon is a faunus, male and about your age so tell me do you know him".

Me: "No".

Winter took a deep breath before I quickly block a white beowolf as I look at Winter from over my shoulder.

Winter: "Your very quick blue dragon but now I will end your life here".

Weiss: "Winter stop".

Weiss's words fell on deaf ears as Winter rushed at me with her sword as I hold Tsubaki in my hands blocking her swing.

Me: "Your quick".

Winter: "As are you but your not going to escape".

Winter and I struggle before breaking our swords away from each other but she sent the manifested beowolf at me but I cut through it and rush at her but she made a quick slash at me but I slide under her and place my sword against her back.

Me: "I win".

Weiss: "Winter F/n isn't like how he was before so please stop".

Winter: "Tell me F/n make a choice kill me or save Weiss".

As Winter said it I noticed a manifested Ursa behind Weiss if I kill her the Ursa goes away but that would only hurt Weiss so I make a rush at the Ursa and slice it in two before looking at Winter.

Winter: "You pass".

Me & Weiss: "Huh".

Winter: "It was a test to see who you really are a killer or a protector after all I need to make sure Weiss is safe in your hands".

Me: "Are you crazy all this just for a stupid test my heart felt like it was going to stop".

Winter: "I'm sorry but I had to know after all your my sister's boyfriend".

After that the three of us had a fun time talking but I make my leave allowing Weiss and Winter to have some sister bonding time.

To Weiss & Winter

Winter: "So Weiss tell me what do you like about F/n".

Weiss: "Well he's kind but I think I like him because he's warm it's funny but he's fire and I'm ice but when I'm with him my troubles just melt away".

Winter: "I see at least you found someone you can depend on".

Weiss: "Yeah".

Winter: "Weiss tell me what's wrong"

Weiss: "I just feel bad because he has done so much for me and I've done nothing to pay him back".

Winter saw how much this was bothering Weiss but she smiled that her sister was showing her feeling instead of holding them in.

Winter: "I may of only met him today but after looking at him I see a man who is happy to just be by your side".

To You

I was taking a walk around the academy when I see a man who looked so drunk that he could almost be mistaken for a homeless person.

Me: "Excuse me sir but are you ok".

???: "Yeah just wonder where the ice queen ran off too".

Me: "You mean Winter".

???: "That's the one probably with that weak ice princess well see you kid".

He was about to leave before I stop him by holding Tsubaki near his neck which made him stop ut never turn round.

???: "Sure you want to play this game".

Me: "Take it back what you said about Weiss or I will remove your head here and now".

???: "You feeling lucky kid".

A crowd quickly forms as he dodged my blade and pulls out a scythe spinning it with ease it reminded me of Ruby in a way.

???: "You still want to play this game kid".

I rush at him making sure not to leave any openings as our steel clash but I use the impact to spin round him allowing me to deliver a downward slash but he manged to block me by spinning his scythe.

Me: "Not bad for a drunk old man but your going to need a little more speed if you want to take me down".

I watch him switch his scythe into a sword which made it small but also lighter allowing him to move quickly as I block his and knock him back with a kick to the gut giving me the chance to rush him but he was able to avoid my attack by stabbing his weapon into the ground. He made a quick recovery and rushed me with a thrust I knew it would only result in a counter battle so I catch it with my hand as I let the blade go through my hand bu this allowed me to grab it as I raise my sword in the air and bring it down before a voice from the crowd stops me inches from his shoulder.


Me: "Your Ruby's uncle".

Qrow: "Looks like our fight will have to end in a draw".

As me and Qrow seperate the crowd left as Ruby and Weiss ran over to us before Ozpin and another man collected him and Winter.

Me: *That dude is one drunken old bastard*.

Ice Queen and her DragonWhere stories live. Discover now