Vol. 2 A Dragons Rage

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The next morning you woke up to the sight of Weiss a sleep in your arms which put a smile on your face as you slip away to do some morning training.

Me: "I will not lose to her this time".

As I was training I sense someone watch which made me stop as I look and see Weiss who was still in her night clothes.

Me: "Did I wake you".

Weiss: "No I just want to check on you because we were apart for so long".

I walk over and rub her cheek making her smile as a blush appears on her face as I kiss her softly. After a couple minutes you and Weiss head back inside to get ready for the meeting with the headmaster of Haven academy Leonardo Lionheart who was a friend of Ozpin's.

Me: "Qrow how well do you know Leonardo".

Qrow: "Not much but he's a trusted friend of Oz's why".

Me: "It's just something feels off but I can't put my finger on it".

After we all got to Haven we started heading to meet Leonardo at the academy but my uneasy feeling never went away in fact it felt worse as we reach the academy and the doors open but to my surprise the 2 people behind them was Olivia and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: "Welcome to Haven academy".

Me: "Hey Olivia and Elizabeth".

Olivia: "F/n is that you".

I smile as they hug me because after so long team HOPE was back together as we are soon seen by Leonardo.

Leonardo: "Qrow it's good to see you".

Qrow: "And you but Leonardo is the relic still safe".

Leonardo: "Qrow not in front of the children".

Me: "We already know so can we just cut to the chase and also you 3 can come out of hiding".

As I said that Cinder and her crew appear from the shadows looking smug as I get ready to fight.

Cinder: "When did you know".

Me: "As soon as we walked in so tell me which one wants to die first".

Mercury rush at us but Yang blocks him as I rush towards Cinder with Ruby but Emerald tries to stop us but Paul, Elizabeth and Olivia block her as we continue on our course however I was soon forced to stop as portal opens and Raven steps through with Vernal.

Me: "Should of guessed you would join them Raven".

Raven: "You can't beat her so joining her is the only option so nothing personal but you need to die".

I draw my sword as we clash blades with our strength being equal as we push away before making quick attacks but Raven managed to break my guard and goes for a slash but I still had tricks up my sleeve.

Me: "Tsubaki BANKAI".

Tsubaki soon gave a burst of energy which push Raven back as everyone looks over and sees the stream of wind before it disappears and I appear but Tsubaki had changed because now I had a second blade but this one was pure white.

Me: "Allow me to introduce you to my new weapon Tsubaki Kageyoshi".

Me: "Allow me to introduce you to my new weapon Tsubaki Kageyoshi"

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