Vol. 3 A Raven

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After you, team RWBY and Jaune returned most of Vacuo was still under threat of Salem's forces but you all worked together to push them back but right now your all having a little relaxation.

To Blake & Yang

Yang: "So what you going to do when all of this is over".

Blake: "I will return home and take over the White Fang but this time I will have them seek peace not war".

Yang smiled but Blake could tell she was sad by the look in her eyes as the continue walking through the halls of Vacuo Academy.

Blake: "Is something wrong Yang your not your normal cringy pun self".

Yang: "Yeah I just was thinking of taking a road trip to places do some site seeing who knows maybe I'll check out Menagerie I hear it's full of faunus".

Blake: "Yes but your still not being yourself".

Yang knew she had been caught out and stops which caused Blake to do the same as she turns to look at Yang.

Yang: "Blake we have been partners for a long time since Vale right".

Blake: "Yeah".

Yang: "You see I have feelings it started when F/n and Weiss started dating but the one I had a crush on didn't really seem interested in me".

Blake: "Hold on are you saying your in love with F/n".

Yang: "No not him".

Blake: "So it's Weiss".

Yang: "No it's....".

Blake: "It's".

Yang: "It's you Blake I have feelings for you but I wasn't sure if you felt the same way so I never said".

Blake was stunned but quickly rebound as she walks over to Yang and gave her a light kiss as Yang noticed a blush on her face.

Yang: "Does this mean we are girlfriend and girlfriend".

Blake: "I hope so".

They both soon find themselves in a happy hug with a quick kiss until the sound of Weiss screaming caught their attention as they rush to her room where they burst through the door ready to attack as they see you and Weiss nude before quickly shutting the door after which you both came out dressed as the 4 of you look at each other.

Me: "Did you need something".

Blake: "Um no I mean yes I was hoping to speak with you about the next mission".

Me: "Right the mission um sorry but my duties call".

I gave Weiss a quick peck on the check before walking of with Blake to talk about the mission we had planned but I was going to be a long talk.

To You & Blake

Me: "So Blake the next mission I think it would be....".

Blake: "When did you and Weiss start um you know".

Me: "You need to keep this quiet but we started the day Atlas fell and we got sent to that strange place".

Blake: "So you and Weiss are".

Me: "Mates yes but it's a little more complicated".

Blake: "How".

Me: "We want a family but I'm scared that I'm going to mess up I just want to show our kid how good of a dad I could be but I just feel like I have only been failing at everything lately Beacon fell, Pyrrha died, Atlas fell and Salem has the relics".

Blake: "You have been doing the best you can don't think everything is on your shoulders share the burden with us as for the whole dad thing I think you'll make a great dad and Weiss does too".

Me: "Thanks Blake now lets get back to the mission I'm going because I have someone to collect.

After that me, Ruby and Jaune all headed to the bullhead and set out for what remained of beacon so we could try and find the relic which Ozpin hide but I had a stop to make so I jump off the bullhead and fly to my destination.

Me: "Lets see where is she".

I look and see the person I'm looking for and land on the ground as she looks out atthe ruins of Atlas.

Me: "It's a lot of destruction don't you think it's time to join the fight Raven".

Raven: "I told you already she can't be killed so joining your fight is pointless".

Me: "We have a plan to defeat her but we need all the help we can get so tell me will you fight for the thing you care about the most or let it die we are based in Vacuo if you want to join us".

I fly away to go and rejoin my Ruby and Jaune leaving Raven to think about my offer and hope she makes the right call.


Me, Ruby and Jaune return to Vacuo but we had no luck in finding the relic I looked out at the endless sand surrounding Vacuo in the hopes of seeing Raven but no luck meaning she must of made her choice but as I was walking back to the group I hear something and look back as Raven appears transforming from her raven form and stand in front of me as I smile.

Me: "Glad you could join us".

Raven: "Don't I am only here for her".

I let Raven walk past as I smile before we all get together to welcome our new ally and to inform her of our plan and to our surprise she was actually understanding of our goal but we had a long way to go.

Raven: "So we get Salem back to her mortal self and then we try and slay actual gods who started this whole war".

Me: "Yeah".

Raven: "Your crazy".

Me: "Not crazy just thinking outside the box beside Raven if it works I might be able to undo what Ozpin did to you and Qrow".

Yang: "Why is my mother here after she helped Cinder take down Haven".

Me: "Because Yang we need her Salem already has the fall maiden but now we have Winter who his the winter maiden and Raven who is the spring maiden but more than that she is here to protect her greatest treasure you".

Yang looked at her mother confused but I knew Raven cares about Yang after all she is her mother but I knew things were drawing to a close but how it all ends is still unsure.

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