Vol. 3 Fight For The Crown

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As the energy disappears everyone could see I had gone through a change my scales had now turned black and my eyes changed to bright red but what shocked my opponent was weapon because it was now a guard and hilt but no blade.


I look at him not giving a care what he says because in the end he chose his path in life and I chose mine.

Max: "Do you really think you can fight with no blade all you did was surrender your life and now you will pay".

Max take a stance as his dark aura surrounds his blade as he prepares to swing but as the wind howls from the force I stand there unfazed.


Max swings his blade and a black slash heads towards me slicing the ground as if it was butter but I stand my ground and to everyones surprise I blocked it as the sound of thunder could be heard but Max was soon shocked to see my weapon had changed again this time it had a blade which zig-zaged like a lightning bolt.

Me: "Max you have miss judged Tsubaki because her bankai became new as well this is the new Tsubaki Kageyoshi the blade of a thousand forms".

Max: "Do you think that sword has a chance against me don't make me laugh".

In that breif moment I had managed to get it close to where my sword was a mere inch from his throat.

Max: "Now I understand your title F/n the blue dragon of the north but also the time lord you mastery of time is proof of that".

Me: "I too understand Max the white wolf of the south and the void walker it was fate we had to meet on the battlefield.

I move away but being warriors our code means we can only attack once our oppenent is facing us as a sign of respect and honor but as I look at him we ready our weapons which caused the ground to shake before we rush at each other once again.

I lead with a thrust but Max blocks and used it to spin round for a backhand but I block it as the force caused us to toss our swords in the air letting us fight hand to hand.

I go for a quick jab but Max block and follows up with an uppercut which block before going to knee him in the face but he caught it an then grabs a hold of my arm and tossed me over his shoulder but land on my feet and quickly turn it into a suplex but Max flips and lands on his feet as we both catch our weapon and back up.

Weiss: "That is crazy they did so many counters in those few seconds".

Blake: "They are both warriors and not just that I heard stories of two faunus who were chosen to be the next king of faunus a wolf and a dragon".


Yang: "His skills are more impressive than before".

I slowly walk towards him as my weapon changed form again it had now took the form of a spear before I rush at Max with full speed orcing him to block but I pull my weapon back and use my semblance to increase it's speed before thrusting it forward but it's increased speed made it appear multiple times.

Me: "Time spear barrage".

Max managed to hold out as the last one breaks his guard as I switch my weapons form to pair of brace knuckles and I appear in front of him pulling my fist back before slamming him hard in the stomach causing him to cough up blood as Max goes flying into a nearby rock shattering it on impact.

Nora: "He won".

Ren: "Hold on it's not over".

Ren was right because I soon had a slash burst from shoulder as blood runs down my arm as Max rises from the rubble with blood on his mouth but he also has an evil smile.

Max: "I have to say I never thought I would have to resort to my ace move so soon but it caught you off guard didn't it F/n".

I look at my wound but ignore it and switch my weapon back to it's sword form before rushing at him but he blocks me but spin round and elbow him causing his guard to break allowing me slash across his chest but I soon had the same slash appear on my chest as he continues to smile.

Jaune: "What is going on every time F/n attacks he takes damage".

Max: "I can answer your question you see I have a special technique which does damage to my opponent by focusing my semblance on them let me show you".

I watch as Max pulls his sword arm and slashed it causing me to suffer the same wound causing more blood to run but I continue to rush as he does the same he managed to hit me but I also did before jumping in the air and blasting the ground with my fire breath but the flames had now turned black but Max managed to surround himself with his semblance causing me to get hit by the flames.

Max: "Hahaha looks like I burned him up".

Me: "Don't judge with your eyes".

I appear behind Max with my weapon now sticking through his stomach as blood runs down the blade.

Me: "I win Max".

Max smile which made me jump back as his aura surrounds him as I look at Tsubaki and see the blade was broken before looking back at Max.

Max: "I refuse to lose to a weakling like you I will claim that crown and be know as the king".

Max rushed at me as I switch Tsubaki's form to a sword before we clashed and the ground broke beneath our feet as we fight at close range a single strike could be the end of us.

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