Vol. 2 Relic Of Knowledge

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In the last chapter you went on an all out attack of anyone who stood in your path but thanks to Weiss you calmed down but the battle of Haven continues.

To You

I keep holding Weiss tight in my arms as she did the same which gave Cinder the chance to get herself, Raven and Vernal to the relic which lay beneath Haven but I rush after them.

Me: "Yang take care of Weiss".

As I jump down the hole I soon find myself going deeper and deeper underground until I see a huge door which most likely leads to the relic but I soon see Cinder attacking Vernal who was laying on the ground.

Me: "Cinder must be after the spring maidens power".

I stay out of sight and watch Raven break out the ice she was trapped in and to my surprise reveal that she is the spring maiden as she start attacking Cinder and the battle was crazy but Raven beat Cinder as I watch her open the doors but I come out of my hiding place.

Me: "Raven".

Raven: "So you followed let me guess your wondering if I stole the maiden power".

Me: "No I can see the last maiden trusted you but I do have a question what do you plan to do with the relic".

Raven: "Give it to Salem after all it's the only way to survive you should join her after all you still have that darkness in your soul".

Me: "I've changed and so can you she isn't going to win Raven and if she does do you think she will just leave you alone".

Raven stands there in silence.

Me: "My friends are trying to find away to beat her but we need more help so please Raven join our team and we can win".

Raven: "Your a fool if you think Salem is so easy to defeat I bet Ozpin never told you the secret he holds did he".

Me: "No he hasn't but I will wait until he tells us because we fight as one so Raven please move out of my way".

Raven: "Beware of Ozpin kid he's not who he seems".

Raven turns into a raven and flies away leaving me to claim the relic which I go and do but as I take hold of it I suddenly feel sick but I shake it off and take the relic but as I got back to the surface I was greeted by team RWBY complete as Emerald and Mercury plus their allies Adam and Hazel retreat and for the first time ever humans and faunus stood united.

Weiss: "F/n".

Me: "Wow easy snowflake don't get to close I might melt your heart with my hot body".

My lame joke earns me a light playful slap followed by a kiss which I return before showing the relic to everyone but we all soon got greeted to an image of Salem.

A Couple Hours Later

I was standing next to the train which was going to take team RWBY, team JNR and my team to Atlas as I was waiting I look at the relic and wonder if what Raven said is true could there be more to Ozpin and what connection does he have with Salem.

Weiss: "F/n".

Me: "You all done".

Ruby: "You bet lets go to Atlas".

I grab Ruby's shoulder and stop her from leaving us all behind which surprised everyone.

Me: "Don't think I didn't notice the smell coming from your backpack".

Qrow: "Kiddo what's he talking about".

Me: "I asked Ruby to pick up some supples however she seems to picked up cookies instead".

Everyone chuckles as Ruby was found out after which I take all the cookies and keep them from her for the rest of the trip as we all board the train. After the train started moving we all sat down and enjoy the quiet moments we are getting but still something felt off so I take a small walk through the train cars checking for any signs of Grimm.

Me: "It's strange something doesn't feel right but I haven't seen any Grimm maybe I should get some sleep".

I was about to return to my seat before we enter a tunnel as something grabbed hold of me and pulls me on top of the train but because of the small gap I was forced to have my body pressed against the train as I see a Grimm but one I never saw before.

Me: "Great a Grimm attack and I have no room to move still have my semblance".

I activated my semblance however I soon find it wasn't working as the Grimm thrust it's arm at me forcing me to roll and hang on the but luckily we just exited the tunnel allowing me to move as I jump back on to the roof.

Me: "Finally have a little room to move".

I rush at the Grimm and begin fighting it hand to hand but it soon catched me of guard and swings me down on to the train car roof making a loud sound which got everyones attention. After I get back to my feet I hear Weiss calling for me however he Grimm hears her and heads towards her in a brief moment I tackle the Grimm causing us both to hang of the side of the train where the passengers could see.

Weiss: "F/n you ok".

Me: "Yeah just need to kill this Grimm".

I was about to climb back on to the roof but the Grimm knock me back causing me to lose my grip but I sprout my tail and grab hold and grip the train.

Me: "Too close so lets try something new".

I get myself on to the roof once again and pull out Tsubaki and Kageyoshi before rushing at the Grimm I make some quick attacks as I cut of one of it's arms causing to scream in pain however I suddenly feel dizzy as my vision begins to go fuzzy.

Me: "Crap what now".

Team RWBY, Qrow and Oscar all join me as the Grimm attacks the train car causing it to break away and fall from the tracks.

Time Skip

After the train car fell we all found ourselves in the middle of nowhere as I stand up from the snow.

Me: "Everyone ok".

As I look round and check on everyone I see the Grimm also begin to rise from the snow so I rush at it and smash it's face over and over while everyone stood up and watched as I finally stop and let the Grimm turn to ash but I look at Oscar.

Me: "Enough Ozpin tell us about this relic".

Ozpin: "Mr L/n I know you curious about the relic but your still far too young for the information which I have aquired over the years".

Ozpin reached for the relic but suddenly Oscar starts fighting his control.

Oscar: "He's trying to hide the truth call out her name it's Jinn".

Me: "Ruby here".

Ruby: "Jinn".

As soon as Ruby said her name the spirit of the relic appears and it was a giant blue female.

Ozpin: "Ms Rose don't".

Ruby: "Jinn show us what Ozpin is keeping from us".

Ozpin: "NOOOOOOO!".

I rush at Ozpin as he rushed at Ruby but soon found myself in a pure white void with no sign of the others.

Jinn: "This is the story of a girl named Salem and a knight called Ozma but this is not a happy story".

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