Vol. 2 Broken Bond

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After we left the village we managed to get in touch with Jaune and the others but after we all reunited our party told them about what Jinn showed us about Salem and everyone became broken but Jaune snaps at Oscar.

Me: "Jaune stop".

Jaune: "Why it's all his fault we are all here Ozpin lied to us never telling a single truth and now we find out that Salem is fucking immortal".

Me: "And I get that but don't forget right now that is an innocent person".

Jaune: "Innocent are you kidding me Ozpin has reincarnated in Oscar's body that makes him more than guilty".

Me: "Do you think Pyrrha would be proud of your actions".

Jaune: "Don't you dare speak her name because where were you saving the woman you loved but not giving a shit about the rest of us".

Nora: "Jaune you might be going a little far".

Me: "At least I did protect her unlike you Pyrrha and I trained you but look at you weak but you know what your problem is Jaune".

Jaune: "What is it then".

Me: "Your ego thinking you have to be a fucking hero but your not and that is why Pyrrha is gone".

Jaune: "Your one to talk about ego mr I am the last of my dead clan but hey I can always try again your more of a monster than the Grimm and Weiss knows it".

I finally heard enough and grab Jaune tossing him at the wall as I start punching him cracking the wall but he soon dodged and tackled me to the ground as everyone tries to break us apart.

I pushed Jaune off and spear him through the door causing us to fall down the steps and into the street as rain begins to pour as we run at each other and punch the other in the mouth causing us to bleed a little but I rebound quick and knee him in the face follow seismic toss cracking the ground.

Me: "You need to learn to watch your mouth Jaune".

I start walking away but Jaune makes a quick rush at me causing me to catch him and powerbomb him to the ground as I look at everyone and leave as I go to find myself a hotel away from everyone but Weiss follows me not wanting to leave me alone as Jaune and the other all go back into the house.

To you and Weiss

Weiss: "F/n come on Jaune didn't mean what he said".

Me: "I know but it's not him I'm mad at it's myself I knew how he felt about Pyrrha and I crossed the line which is why I'm taking some time apart from them".

After we found a hotel I got a room for me and Weiss as I looked out the window I saw the rain pour as Weiss went to find some towels.

Salem: "Poor little dragon friends turning against you but I know what will make you happy join me and I can return what you lost".

Me: "Your just a whisper trying to tempt me but it won't work I am happy so get out of my ear".

Salem then disappears as I look back and see Weiss who had a confused look on her face as I take a towel and smile before we get to bed but all the I could think about was how Salem was creeping into my mind.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something big was coming but at the same time I saw Salem as a victim as I get up walk into the bathroom to splash on my face I look in the mirror and see me but I had Grimm eyes while dry blood coats my lips.

Me: "I'm not going to become that never".

I return to bed and hold Weiss tight not wanting to let go of the only good thing in my life as she smiled and I do the same.

Next Day

As the sun rised I looked at Weiss as we walk back to the others who all looked a little different but I see Jaune and walk over to him Ruby was about to stop me but Weiss stops her.

Me: "Jaune".

Jaune: "I'm sorry".

Me: "I am too I went too far".

Jaune: "I'm the same but tell me our we still friends".

Me: "Friendship has to be earned back on both sides however I will say this I trust you to do what must be done when the time comes".

Jaune: "I understand".

We all start heading to the Atlas outpost but we met a small old lady and just our luck she was the rival of Maria fucking our plan before it could even get started and all this was only adding to my anger.

Me: "Listen lady we need that ship so move it".

Cordovin: "I think not after all the mighty and wise general Ironwood put me in charge of this outpost so for the pride of Atlas you must leave".

Me: "So your in charge and Ironwood gave you orders to stand ready but did he also give the order to talk shit from your mouth since it can't come out your ass because the pride of Atlas is shoved in deep".

My comment made everyone laugh as Cordovin turns to face me.

Cordovin: "Your kind isn't welcome in the proud city of Atlas however Mrs Schnee we would be more than willing to escort you back home after all your a proud member of Atlas".

Me: "No she ain't because it seems you Atlas people are full of hot air also how do you ind those giant egos".

Cordovin slaps me before walking away and her attitude was enough finally make me snap as I take off my jacket and start becoming bigger until I'm in my dragon form.

Me: "Everyone hop on if she won't give us a ship I will fly us there". (In a deep voice)

Everyone hops on my back and I start flying as I did I feel Weiss move and sit on my head.

Weiss: "Do you think Ironwood will help after we tell him about Salem".

Me: "No sure but still he has a right to know because Ozpin has been hiding the truth from all of us". (In a deep voice)

As we made our way to Atlas everyone falling asleep but I continue to stay awake just wanting to reach Atlas fast.

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