Vol. 2 Atlas Falls

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In the last chapter you and the other were on your way to Atlas after having a fight with Jaune once he was told the truth about Salem.

To you

Me: "Hey we have reached Atlas" (In a deep voice)

I find a spot to land allowing everyone to get off and I transform back to my human form but just like always my shirt was destroyed.

Me: "I seriously need to find clothes that don't get destroyed when I go dragon form".

Weiss: "I don't mind".

Yang: "Ok love birds lets not flirt until your alone".

We all start walking as everyone stares at me and I know why but still Atlas seems a little off as we are soon stopped by Penny which surprised us until her father Pietro came over and invites us in where he knew all of us and even gave me a special suit which would not break when I transform.

Me: "Sweet no more shirtless time after a transformation".

Pietro: "It's a special material which is designed to not alone prevent damage to the wearer but also lower the clothing cost but so far we only managed to make this single suit".

Me: "I will wear it with pride thanks".

As we all got ready to leave an alarm goes off causing us to run outside and see Grimm in the streets before a group of people come down and destroy the Grimm but they soon take us in as criminals.

Me: "I am seriously starting to hate humans again".

Ruby: "Just keep calm and we will sort this out hopefully Ironwood will understand".

After a couple of minutes we land and the people escort us to Ironwood who gets us all free from our cuffs.

Qrow: "James we need to talk".

Ironwood: "I agree but first Mr L/n glad to see your back and also".

I was confused until I felt a collar appear on my neck and deliver a shock before everyone else was knock back by the people who bought us here.

Me: "What is this".

Ironwood: "Just to ensure you don't run away after all your power at Beacon was just what we need to defeat Salem".

Blake: "But we tried to tell you she is immortal".

Ironwood: "I see so Oz was always hiding things from us but still this one might have the power to destroy her".

Ironwood walks behind me and placed something on my neck and it hurt as feel something trying to control my mind until I can no longer hold it and lose control.

Ironwood: "Stand".

I did as he instructed and turn to face him which made Weiss angry that he would strip me of my free will but something soon change as Ironwood had me walk over to her and grab her by the neck.


Oscar: "F/n snap out of it think about what Weiss means to you".

Ruby: "F/n your not weak".

Yang: "Weiss is the love of your life so stop".

Ironwood: "He is now my soldier and Weiss Schnee is holding him back".

I hold Weiss in the air by her neck and squeeze but it felt off as my head began to hurt until I drop her and hold my head everyone watched as I grab the chip on my neck and pull it off soon followed by the collar as I look at Ironwood and hold him against the desk.

Me: "I would love to kill you for that but right now we need every ally we can but do that shit again and I will feed you to te Grimm".

As I step back we all soon hear an alarm as we look out and see a black cloud approaching Atlas but what put fear into our souls was the fact that Salem was leading them here.

Me: "We need to get Atlas evacuated team RWBY and JNR go and get the relic which is in Atlas as for team HOPE we will by the time you need Oscar you go with them to collect the relic".

We all leave to do our jobs but Weiss pulls me aside and kissed me good luck as I do the same as me and my team stand in front of Salem's forces I hold Tsubaki and Kageyoshi as Salem appears.

Salem: "Your still resisting me after all this time dragon boy".

Me: "Of course I am because right now I have something to protect so listen up step one foot towards us and we will bring hell to you little kingdom".

Salem gave the signal and her horde of Grimm rush towards us and we make a stand and we all soon find ourselves fighting off the Grimm with a little Atlas backup but after a few minutes the numbers begin to get to us but my team keeps going as we push through.

Olivia: "We need to fall back".

Me: "No this is our chance no matter what hold the line".

Paul: "He's right Salem is right in front of us we could defeat her".

Elizabeth: "I agree but the numbers never end and I can't see an end to this".

I have us get back to back however I'm soon dragged away before finding myself floating in front of Salem.

Salem: "Mortal bodies really are worthless you fight but every second that passes you get weaker and weaker but I don't have that problem now tell me will you join me like your friend or die".

Me: "Go to help you corrupted bitch".

???: "Maybe he needs a little convincing".

The mystery man from before walks towards my team with his sword at the ready as I'm forced to watch them.

Me: "No stop leave them alone".

He simply keeps walking as my team goes on the attack however he dodged them before making his own attack where he cuts Paul's had clean off only to then focus on Elizabeth however she was soon stabbed through the heart leaving Olivia who stands her ground but the mystery man just cuts her leg causing her to fall on the ground before walking away.

Me: "Olivia hold ok".

I struggle to break free of Salem's magic but I was soon stopped when the mystery man clicks his fingers and  was forced to watch as Olivia was devoured by Grimm with Paul and Elizabeth's bodies soon to follow and at this moment my sorrow had finally snapped.


I was at this moment overcome by sadness and rage as my aura burst to unseen levels which cause me to change a little my blue scales had now become pitch black as my once blue eyes now blazed with a bright red as the wind begins to blow as Grimm walk towards me hoping to attack.

Me: "Back away".

My word made the Grimm back away allowing me to look Salem dead in the eyes but my focus was on the man who killed my friends but as I was about to attack him he used his semblance which sent me away but I soon see a door and walk through only to see team RWBY being attacked by Cinder over the relic which she managed to get as everything vanished causing me, Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang and Jaune to fall into the black abyss.

On that day Atlas fell and Salem had managed to gather 2 relics while team RWBY, Jaune and you all vanished from the world this day would become known as the day Atlas Falls.

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