Danger In High Heels

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After you had returned to Beacon many looked at you and how different you looked because now you look more beast than human.

Me: "They all see me".

Weiss: "Yes but this is the real you so show it with pride".

As me and Weiss walked to my dorm room where I grabbed a pair of clothes however nothing fit me which was strange until I see my body had got slightly larger.

Me: "Looks like I need some new clothes lets see this will work".

One Hour Later

My team and Weiss's team sat in class as I open the door and shock them with my new look.

Your New Attire

Your New Attire

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As I step through the door I was soon hit by the sound of girls whistling as I noticed them all going crazy but I was a little confused as Weiss quickly ran down to me

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As I step through the door I was soon hit by the sound of girls whistling as I noticed them all going crazy but I was a little confused as Weiss quickly ran down to me.

Me: "Why are all the girls going crazy for".

Weiss: "It's because of you dummy why do you look hot in all that gear also where did you get it".

Me: "This I made it since my new appearance made all my clothes not fit me anymore so I just made this until I can get some new clothes".

I soon noticed Weiss staring at me as I lean next to her ear.

Me: "But maybe you want me in a little less". (whispers)

As soon as I said that her face went bright red as she storms away back to her seat which I did as well.

Glynda: "Ok everyone we have 3 new students please introduce yourself".

Cinder: "Of course hello my name is Cinder I hope we can all be good friends".

Emerald: "My name is Emerald".

Mercury: "And to all you beautiful ladies my name I Mercury".

After they got to their seats I didn't really take much notice of the class as I keep looking at Cinder because for some reason she gave me two-face from DC vibe. As class ended I took a chance to talk to Cinder, Mercury and Emerald to see how they act.

Me: "Hi my name is F/n L/n let me welcome you to Beacon Academy".

Cinder: "Thank you".

Me: "You know I can always tell a persons true character based on the aura but I never met someone with two before it must be rare".

Cinder: "Oh yes it's very rare I was actually surprised to hear a dragon faunus was a student here".

Me: "Well I wanted to try something new but we all have some skeletons in our closets right".

Cinder was looking a little uncomfortable as I knew I needed to back off before she got to suspicious.

Me: "Well I got training to do but it was nice meeting you".

As I walk away I pass Emerald and got a murderous aura from her but ignore it so she did start a fight. After leaving the classroom I stay against the wall out of sight and listen to the three of them.

Emerald: "Cinder we should get rid of he before he exposes us".

Cinder: "Emerald you need to cool he knows nothing but he is someone to watch closely".

Mercury: "So we stay on plan".

Cinder: "Yes".

I walk away without a sound as my theory was right however a question still remains what are they here to do.

Time Skip

Classes had finished and I was just finishing up doing some training before noticing how late it was as I start heading back. As I walked I got the feeling that someone was following me before a blast of fire shoots out the darkness forcing me to dodge so I quickly dropped my stuff and rush to that location however I saw nothing.

Me: *I have a feeling I know who is attacking me but I need proof*.

I was so lost in thought I never noticed disc made of glass flying towards me until it cut my arm but it was soon followed by a barrage of glass spears I dodged them at least I thought I had until the area around me change and I was soon hit by ten glass spears causing the blood to gush out the wounds.

Me: *So there is more than one but how many*.

I made a quick dodge and look in that direction as my eyes begin to glow a bright blue as I take a deep breath before blasting blue fire causing massive damage as I noticed that who ever it was had escaped.

Me: "I managed another blast and this time in actual combat looks like my training is paying off but still who was it that attacked me".

Time Skip

It was the next morning and I was just waking up from my sleep and see all my wounds had healed and real quick too my evolution enhanced all my previous abilities such as my healing.

Me: "Lets see what's on the menu I know".

I make a small flame and start doing a little cooking with my team being woke up by the smell.

Paul: "What smells good".

Me: "Just some breakfast enjoy".

The four of us begin eating our breakfast I noticed the day and quickly finished before rushing into the bathroom where I come out dressed.

Olivia: "What has you all worked up".

Me: "Weiss's sister is arriving today and I promised to meet her with Weiss".

As I finally finished getting ready I saw the Atlas ship arrive and knew I was going to be late.

Me: "Crap have to take a short cut".

I say before jumping out the window and expand my dragon wing from back which ripped holes in my shirt but I didn't really care.

To Weiss

Weiss waited ready for her sister to land as I make my entrance as she watched my wings morph back into my back.

Me: "Sorry I'm late".

Weiss: "Actually you just on time".

Weiss and I watched the ship land as her sister Winter Schnee appears making me gulp since she would most likely know of me.

Winter: "Hello Weiss".

Weiss: "Hey Winter I have someone I want you to meet".

Winter looked over to me and for some reason It was as if the air had become cold as ice making me nervous for this little meeting.

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