Vol. 2 Deadly Dreams

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In the last chapter you, team RWBY and Qrow go seperated from the rest of your friends but soon found yourselves looking into Ozpin's secret.

As everyone returned from the visions of the past that Jinn showed them everyone looks at Ozpin however before he had chance to speak I give him a right hook sending him crashing into a tree.

Me: "You lying bastard you knew Salem wasn't able to be killed and never told us".

Ozpin: "I thought it would be best because all of you would never of grown into the amazing huntsmen and huntress I knew you could be".

Yang: "So you had no trust in us from the start".

Ozpin: "No I did but the battle between Salem will be tough which means all of you needed to become stronger".

Me: "You know what fight Salem on your own because I'm done".

I grab the relic and walk away not trusting Ozpin as I did Weiss walked after me leaving everyone else to talk to Ozpin.

To You and Weiss

Weiss: "F/n wait".

Me: "Weiss say what you want but the fact is Ozpin is nothing but lies".

Weiss: "I understand but look at all the good things that came out of it you and me starting a relationship which could help the faunus".

I stop and look at her.

Me: "I see your point but what do we do now".

Weiss: "Lets all just try and meet up with the others and take it from there".

After thinking it over me and Weiss walk back to the group only to find out Ozpin had left or maybe I should say he locked himself away as we gain another member to our group an old lady call Maria Calavera as we all start walking and soon stumble upon a queit town.

Me: "Hello anyone here we are sorry for the intrusion but we are seeking shelter from the cold".

My word were met by silence as we all walk in and set our stuff down while the others checked the houses I checked outside walking around the village I see what looks like a tunnel that had been sealed up before the sound of Weiss screaming got me running back only to see people dead in their beds.

Blake: "So what do we do".

Me: "We don't have much choice but to sleep here tonight and travel in the morning but still what happened here".

Yang: "Not sure but it's almost like everyone just went to sleep and never woke up".

After everyone calmed down I sat by the window and looked out at the white snow not wanting to sleep just in case of a Grimm attack but I soon feel weaker and more tired but I refuse to sleep.

Me: "What is going on".

I try to stand up but all the strength in my body was fading as I fall asleep after a while I opened my eyes and see everyone was gone and walk outside to see everything was the same.


I hear nothing but silence as I soon see a black cloud surround the town and what I saw was my friends surrounding me but they were different more evil and Grimm like. As they rush at me I blocked them but not wanting to hurt them refuse to use Tsubaki and Kageyoshi but I am soon overwhelmed and held on my knees as Salem walks towards me.

Salem: "You lose again but this time I will not leave you without a scar".

Salem reached towards my eyes for the first time ever I felt fear as I scream as she digs her pale white fingers into my eyes and pulls them out slowly but I soon shoot up breathing heavy and covered in sweat as I look and see it was all a dream.

Me: "Just a dream".

The Next Day

As morning came we all prepare to leave as Yang suddenly drops the relic down a well causing Ruby to become mad which soon made all of us go down to get it as we look we are all soon spotted by Grimm which move really slow but use a sound attack before we all get running only to get cornered.

Me: "Yang break open that hatch and make it fast I'll buy you time".

I rush at the Grimm only to be hit with their screach causing me to lose all my strength and fall to the ground just like the rest.

Yang: "I feel weak all of a sudden".

Weiss: "It must be the Grimm".

I force my body back to it's feet and stand in the Grimm's path as I toss Weiss the relic and give a shakey smile.


Weiss: "F/N NO".

Me: "Come on you slow moving bastards your next meal is ready to hit you with the heat".

I rush at them but they try the same trick but I use my will power to force my way through and slice them one by one keeping them back while Yang breaks open the hatch and everyone begins to leave but Weiss refused.

Ruby: "Weiss we need to go".

Weiss: "Not without F/n".

I am soon hit by the full force of my tiredness and fall to my knees but I keep trying to fight but it proves pointless as one of them reached for me only to soon be hit with a blast of ice followed by Weiss helping me out.

Me: "I told you to go".

Weiss: "I lost you once not again".

As we left I take the chance to set the room a blaze with my fire as we hop on Yang's bike and ride away only as we ride away from the town did we find out the leader of that town caught two of those Grimm to stop all the fear and negative emotions but more found their way below which soon lead to the towns people dying.

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