Fall Of Beacon

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I was sitting in the stands watching the tournament waiting for my teams chance to take the stage as team JNPR and team RWBY all moved on to the next round as my team was called.

Me: "Lets do this".

As we walk out I saw are opponents and judging by their gear they are well trained both the females had long range weapons while the guys had close range as the field changed to volcanic area for our side while theirs was power plant area as the match begins.

Me: "Paul with me Elizabeth and Olivia stay together lets go".

Me and Paul rush at the opponents not giving them a chance to make a plan as we clash with the males of their team while the girls run and take up advantage points before they aim at Elizabeth and Olivia. I kick my opponent back and jump up to block the shot as Paul did the same the guys made a quick rush for our team mates but I wasn't worried about that because Elizabeth is our amazon as she knocks them down with some quick moves.

Me: "Paul you take the one on the left and I'll take the right".

As we rush at our target I noticed they switched their weapons to rapid fire gun while backing away but I keep going as bullets fly towards me. I grip Tsubaki hard and slice through them with impressive ease shocking them at my skill as I appear in front of her and hold my sword pointed at her throat.

Me: "We win".

As I said that I Paul managed to subdue his opponent while Elizabeth did the same as our team moved on to the next round.

Olivia: "We won but I did nothing".

Paul: "it's fine Olivia we knew it would be a three on four but if you weren't there and we got hurt we would of lost".

Me: "Paul's right never put yourself down because your going to be with me in the next round".

After we took our seats and watched more matches but an uneasy feeling set in as I look round for Emerald, Mercury and Cinder but I couldn't find them as we got called and head to the arena but as our match was about begin my head felt a little dizzy as a pair of Beowolves appear but for some reason everyone wasn't running as I go at them knock them away as I go for a killing blow but am stopped by Olivia as I look down and saw my opponent who I was about to kill.

Me: "What happened where is the Beowolves?"

Olivia: "What Beowolves you just jumped at them and were about to kill them".

I looked at them before giving an apology before leaving the arena which caused my team to be disqualified but I had my hand on my head trying to figure out what just happened.

Me: "It had to of been an illusion but who did it".

Weiss: "F/N".

Me: "Huh Weiss".

Weiss: "What happened out there".

Me: "I think someone has the ability to make illusions because I saw Beowolves instead of my opponents but I don't know who".

Weiss placed a hand on my shoulder as I smiled before Atlas robots surround us followed by General Ironwood as I watch the robots point their guns at me.

Ironwood: "F/n L/n by the authority in trusted to me I am to place you under arrest for attempted murder".

I watch the robots get closer as I fear that Weiss might get hurt so I give in without a fight as they place handcuffs on me followed by a collar around my neck.

Time Skip

Ironwood: "So tell me why did you go to kill your opponents".

Me: "I told you already I saw Beowolves which I believe was the result of someone who has a semblance that can cause illusions".

Ironwood: "And yet no one has that type of semblance which leads me to believe you wanted to kill them after all you've done it before blue dragon".

I was beginning to get really pissed off at how much he refused to except my statement as screams could be heard.

Ironwood: "What is going on up there".

Soldier: "Grimm sir there is hundreds of them AHHHHHH".

Me: "Weiss sorry Ironwood but I got to go".

He watched as I shatter my restraints before crushing the collar as I bust through the roof and see the chaos as I fly of to find Weiss but on the way I saw Paul, Elizabeth and Olivia surrounded before I blast the Grimm with my fire.

Me: "You lot ok".

Paul: "Yeah but things look bad people are being evacuated but the Grimm are coming fast".

Me: "Ok I'm going to see if anyone needs help".

I fly off helping people escape along the way before I find Weiss and give my aid which worked out well for us.

Weiss: "Took you long enough".

Me: "Sorry had to help people on the way but seriously ice queen just freeze them".

Weiss: "Baka".

Me and Weiss manage to get everyone to the Bullhead as the others arrive soon after Paul, Olivia and Elizabeth got the last of the people there until the sound of thunder caught our ears and we see a huge Wyvern Grimm appears in the sky.

Paul: "That Wyvern is fucking huge".

Elizabeth: "How do we beat that".

Me: "With something just as big"

I begin removing my shirt as I start to transform into my dragon form which shocked everyone but my team and Weiss's team.

Me (Dragon Form): "Get ready to leave". (In a deep voice)

I take flight and begin fighting the Wyvern in the sky as the Bullhead takes off the Wyvern took a bite at my neck but rip it's wing causing it to stop flying as it crashed on to the bridge. I charge a blast as it blast me with it's own causing me to drop on to the bridge but I blast my blue flames as I begin to walk away until it jumps on my back and refused to let go before exploding causing the bridge to collapse as I fell with it into the pitch black ravine below.

Chibi RWBY

Chibi Weiss: "Did you just kill the reader great this story is over".

DemonReader2099: "Story isn't over just wanted a cliffhanger don't worry you'll get the action you want".

Chibi Weiss: "That is not true hey where is Yang and Blake".

DemonReader2099: "They are in there having privite time which they better clean".

Chibi Ruby: "And I have cookies and milk".

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