Vol. 2 A Blooming Rose

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After the fall of Beacon most of the students were sent home while the teacher tried to fix the school but it wasn't without it's loses Ozpin vanished and Pyrrha Nikos lost her life but F/n had also died to a Wyvern Grimm.

To Ruby:

Jaune: "You sure you want to do this".

Ruby: "Yeah the headmaster of Haven is a friend of Ozpin's which makes him our best source of information to finding him".

Paul: "Ruby Ozpin is gone and my team lost it's leader which is why I'm coming with you".

Nora: "We all are right Ren".

Ren: "Yes".

Ruby, Jaune, Nora, Ren and Paul head off on their journey to Haven in the hopes of finding answers to Ozpin's disappearance but the journey would not be easy as Grimm would be in their way. As they all got further away from Ruby's house many of them wonder just how long it might take to reach Haven but they do take moments to stop and rest but one night.

Ruby's Dream

Ruby: "What is this Beacon but why".

Ruby looked round the empty academy as she noticed someone standing in the thick fog but as she tries to get closer the figure got further and further away before the fog clears but what she saw was her team dead on the floor blood covering the dirt as someone stood up.

Ruby: "F/n".

Ruby reached out but could never reach you as the ground shakes and cracks as a huge black shadowy figure rises as a pale hand reached out before your engulfed in black flames screaming as your flesh burns.


Ruby screams as a flash of white light engulfs the area.

Ruby's Dream Ends

Ruby shot up breathing heavy as she looks at her friends and saw it was just a dream which she was thankful for as she looked up at the shattered moon.

Ruby: *F/n I wish you were here*.

After Ruby managed to fall back to sleep morning came waking them up as they continu on their way as they reach a village but not just any village this was the village where Ren and Nora grew up but it was now lifeless because of Grimm.

Nora: "This really is a blast from the past".

Ren: "....".

Jaune: "Ren you ok".

Ren: "Yes lets jut keep moving".

They were just about to continue walking before a loud screech made them look at the gate as a Grimm on a horse appears.

Nora: "Ren it's here".

Paul: "What is"

Ren: "The Nuckelavee that destroyed our village".

Ren made a rush at it and everyone saw he was blinded by rage as he was doing reckless moves which wasn't his style but the Grimm didn't seem focused as it swats him like a fly.

Nora: "Ren".

Jaune: "Ruby, Paul help me hold it back".

Ruby & Paul: "Right".

Ruby, Paul and Jaune make quick attack and retreatas to not be caught by the Grimm as it looked them which was good before Nora and Ren join them.

Paul: "We seriously need help here".

As Paul says that Qrow came rushing in taking out the Nuckelavee's foot causing to lose it footing.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow".

Qrow: "Hey kiddo saw you needed some help".

Qrow and Ruby take their scythes and begin to unload their assult on the Grimm as Jaune, Ren, Nora and Paul join in but it wasn't enough as the Nuckelavee stood up and smack them all away however Ruby stood her ground as it goes for an attack. It's arm was quick as it stretched out at incredible speed leaving Ruby no time to dodge but as it was and inch away from her the hand fell to the ground as the Grimm stopped and soon turns to ash which left everyone confused.

Jaune: "What just happened".

Nora: "Haha we must of hit it so hard the damage was delayed I cracked it".

Ren: "Good greif".

While everyone was talking Ruby was still looking at where the Grimm was just standing and it could of been her imagination but it looked like a shadowy figure rushed past and slayed the Grimm but that's impossible.

Paul: "Ruby we should keep moving".

Ruby: "Yeah".

As Ruby was about to walk away a strange man appear with a scorpion tail which hit Qrow but Ruby quickly got on the attack cutting the stinger of causing the mystery man to retreat but by then Qrow had already been poisoned which made Ruby's team even more desperate to reach Haven as they make a stretcher and carry Qrow.

Qrow: "You should all go on without me I'm just slowing you down".

Ruby: "No we will reach Haven and get you cured so just hang in there ok".

Qrow shut up and just closed his eyes to catch some sleep as they all pass by some caves before setting up camp but Ruby stays awake keeping watch as noises come from a nearby bush a faunus appears.

???: "Oh my iz there a problem with your friend".

Ruby looks at Qrow and nods as the mystery faunus sat next to her and listens to her story.

???: "I zee but your in luck I am zkilled in medicine give me a moment".

The faunus pull out his bag and begins to take out herbs which looked strange and yet he was skillfully preparing medicine even though he was clearly blind.

Ruby: "Excuse me but how do you know what your doing because your blind".

???: "Yez I'm blind but my zemblance allowz me to zee without zight for you zee I'm a bat faunuz which make my hearing far ztronger but my zemblance makez it zo I can zee my zurrounding az if I could zee".

Ruby: "Wow that is cool".

???: "There your friend zhould be fine in a day or zo now I must take my leave".

Ruby: "Thank you for helping my uncle but what is your name".

Vlad: "My name iz Vlad Bloodfallen".

Vlad soon left disappearing in the dead of night but Ruby was just happy to know her uncle would be ok as she falls asleep next to him. After that night Ruby's team continue on their journey after Ruby told them about Vlad and how he helped Qrow get over his poison.

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