Beast Of Beacon

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As me and team RWBY fly towards Beacon I noticed that Weiss had not stopped watching me and I smile.

Me: "Look princess I may be hot but you don't need to stare".

Weiss quickly took out her rapier and points it at my throat but I am unfazed by this as I smile at her weak attempt at a threat.

Me: "Is that all you have Schnee because it's pitiful but nice try tell you what use one of your glyphs to make this place a little cooler because I'm super hot".

As I said that we land before I stood up and walk towards the door only to be met by Ozpin and another teacher before I walk forward as they lead me to his office where he would ask me questions like my name and why I killed the men from the other day but I simply told him the truth since I would never lie.

Ozpin: "So your simply a faunus doing his part to protect his kind so why are you not with The White Fang".

Me: "The White Fang has it's own vision and while I understand it my people were never about war but after all these years I find it hard to see the good in any human".

Ozpin: "Tell me why didn't you kill Mrs Schnee".

Me: "I kill for justice and while I would enjoy nothing more than to kill her Tsubaki convinced me to take a chance on her to make peace but I will kill her should I see that Tsubaki was wrong".

Ozpin: "Tusbaki?"

Me: "My sword in my clan we are born with a sword at birth as we grow our weapon is made reality and Tsubaki is my sword as such only I knew her name at birth".

I watched Ozpin take a sip of his coffee before looking me in the eyes to judge my character as a smile appears and he hands me a scroll.

Ozpin: "Tell me would you be willing to enroll at Beacon".

After he asked me I looked confused as the female teacher seemed just as confused a me after all he knows I can kill everyone at this school in seconds and yet he wants me to study here this guy must be crazy as I agree and allowed to leave but not before he gives me a room number which would be my team.

Glynda: "Was it wise to let him enroll with the other student".

Ozpin: "He has skill as shown between him and team RWBY but this will allow us to observe him after all he will need to earn our trust".

To me

I was walking down the halls and soon find my room as I enter and see no one here but I noticed an empty bed which most likely belongs to me so I place Tsubaki beside the dresser and lay down on the bed before drifting off to sleep. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turn to hours before the sound of the door opening broke me from my slumber causing me to sit up and look as 3 people enter of course they were shocked to see me.

???: "Who are you and why are you in our room?"

Me: "Actually it's my room too which makes me your new teammate nice to meet you my name is F/n L/n and yes I'm a faunus".

As I looked at them I could tell they lack the skills to be huntsmen and huntresses but I didn't really care about that as they all sat on their beds.

Paul: "If that's the case my name is Paul Baxter this is Olivia and Elizabeth Thompson but we can't seem to decide on a team name".

Me: "How about team HOPE because I don't really care".

After I said that I noticed them thinking before they smiled and all agree to call ourselves team HOPE. After that we all did our own thing Paul was playing video games on his scroll Olivia was reading a book and Elizabeth just sat there and watched as I polished Tsubaki.

Elizabeth: "That's a beautiful sword".

Me: "Thank you but her name is Tsubaki".

Paul: "F/n tell us a little about yourself".

Me: "Not much to tell other than being a faunus nothing is really that special I was trained from a very young age to use a sword but that was a long time ago and I would rather not speak about the rest".

Olivia: "That's fine we can wait till your ready".

After that we all got ready for bed but I wasn't tired so I sneak out and look up at the shattered moon as I start shadow boxing as memories flood back causing me to get faster and more aggressive as I kick a wall shattering it.

Me: "Why do you continue to haunt me tell me".

Me: "Father".

I sit on the ground and let the night air blow as I hear singing coming from above as I look up I see the Schnee girl singing in the moon light.

Me: "For a Schnee she has a nice voice".

I stand up and slip away as I walk back to my room I sense something but when I look back I saw nothing and shake it off before returning to my bed but as I sat down my mind was caught by that same feeling.

Me: *Something is out there waiting but what?"

As I lay down and drift off to sleep I take a second to look at my teammates and feel a little more at ease as I fall asleep ready for the next day.

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