Vol. 2 Evolution

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In the last chapter Yang and Weiss met up in Raven's camp surrounded by her crew but before they could lay a finger on them you appear before meeting Raven.

To Raven's Chamber

Yang and Weiss sat and watched as you and Raven looked at each other but it was strange as if your old friends but also enemies.

Raven: "Well this is a surprise never thought the last dragon was you boy".

Me: "And your still as arrogant as back in your youth Raven".

Raven: "Remember where you sit boy with a single snap of my fingers both you and your girlfriend would be surrounded".

Me: "Let me remind you of who it is your giving this pointless threat my name is F/n L/n of the dragon clan and my semblance is mastery of time it's self so even if you came at us with a thousand men I could kill them and you in the blink of an eye so here is my question do you feel lucky".

As Yang and Weiss watch they could feel the tension in the air which was not surprising for you and Raven saw the world in different views Raven sees the world as unkind where only the strong survive but you see the world as one of possbilities with many different paths some light and some dark but it's freedom.

Raven: "You know I managed to learn a little legend of your people".

Me: "....."

Weiss: "What legend?"

Raven: "Legend says once a generation a single child is born who not only has an incredible power but a hidden power which is said to be the will of a lord this power defeats the weak willed and it just so happens to be his time".

Me: "So you know the legend so what I have nothing to do with that not after my failure to defend my people unlike you a woman who choose to abandon her own daughter for power".

Raven: "What I did was a smart choice if I had stayed with her someone weak would be in my place and this once great clan would be dead as a member of the Brawnwen clan I refuse to let that happen".

Me: "If I was given the choice of I would choose Weiss over leadership because our clans are in our spirit not a name all you did was run away and hide like a coward but enough on that send us to Qrow because my friend has already informed me that he's with Ruby".

We all stood up as Raven leads us out to the back as she shows us her secret but it was nothing new to me after all I had already met Ozpin's enemy so he trusted me enough to tell me about his past and what he did to the Brawnwen twins before Raven cuts a portal for us to pass through but I stop and look at her.

Me: "Raven your path is not one of darkness look deep and see the really you before you fall into the darkness".

With that said I walk through as her portal disappears.

To Qrow

Qrow was leaning on the railing looking out at the sea while having a drinking as Raven's portal opens up and to his surprise on who walked through after that he took the new arrivals back to Ruby and the others and she was surprised to say the least.

Ruby: "Weiss, Yang how did you both get here".

Yang: "Long story sis but we have a surprise for all of you".

Yang and Weiss look at the door as the group watched someone come from round the corner which made their eyes widen.

Paul: "No way".

Jaune: "How"

Me: "Hey everyone missed me".

Everyone soon jumped you for a hug which you accept as everyone began to smile like they did in Beacon. After all that had happened since the fall of Beacon to see an old friend was just the thing needed to raise their spirits.

Jaune: "Oh F/n meet Oscar but he's also...."

Me: "Ozpin I know".

Ruby: "How did you know".

Me: "I sense his aura surrounding the boy and I can tell all of you got stronger too".

Ozpin: "Glad to see your well mr L/n would you mind sparring with me".

You and Ozpin head outside as the others follow watching you both closely as you rush at Ozpin but he steps out the way causing you to miss as he goes for a quick counter but something happened which Weiss noticed your eyes glow for a breif second as you dodge and counter knocking him to the ground with a chop.

Jaune: "No way he landed a hit on Ozpin".

Weiss: *What was that*.

Ozpin stood up and just like before he goes for another attack but your eyes flash for a breif second again as you grab his wrist before flipping him on to his back as your fist is an inch away from his face symbolizing your victory.

Ozpin: "You have got much mr L/n".

Everyone soon watched you help Ozpin up who gave back control to Oscar who was in pain because of your assault.

Yang: "What was that".

Me: "Just my semblance"

Weiss: "But you didn't stop time it actual look like you knew what was coming".

Me: "I guess I never told you my semblance evolved during my time away but know I can do more than just stop time I can rewind it, fast forward and also use it to see into the future".

Nora: "So cool lets call you F/n the time lord".

Ren: "Nora stop".

After you all got back inside Oscar asked to speak with you not Ozpin but himself so you both walk out the room to chat.

Me: "So what did you want to speak to me about".

Oscar: "I was just wondering if you could teach me about combat I'm learning but I am far behind unlike Ruby and her friends".

Me: "I see but the thing is a person has their own fighting style mine is the way of the dragon so my techniques would never work for you but give yourself time Ruby and the others trained for years to reach the level their at now don't rush".

After our talk you and Oscar head back to the group and eat dinner followed by everyone soon falling a sleep but you and Weiss lay next to each other hold each other in a warm embrace.

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