Vol. 2 Fallen Snowflake

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After the fall of Beacon Weiss was forced to return home by her father who she was not too fond off because of how he uses any means to get rich from cutting the salary workers to lack in health and safety.

To Weiss

Weiss was sat in her room looking out the snow that fell on her home for a long time it never bothered her she was used to it but after what happened at Beacon she felt as if the world had become cold but why now what changed and that answer was simple it was the love that she lost that day.

Weiss: "F/n".

A knock came at her door as Klein the butler of the Schnee family enters with tea for her.

Klein: "I bought you a cup of tea should warm you right up".

Weiss: "Thank you Klein".

Klein: "If I may what has you troubled".

Weiss: "Just trying to get over a person from Beacon but the more I try the more it hurts it's like spell has hold of me and refuses to let go".

Klein: "I see would this person be the faunus that became a beast during the fall".

Weiss didn't answer for she already knew that Klein had already known about you and Weiss after everyone saw the fall of Beacon.

Klein: "You must never forget a person who you hold close to your heart because if you do that all you would feel is the bitter cold of loneliness so keep him in your heart and move forward to a brighter and warmer tomorrow".

Weiss: "Thank you Klein".

Klein nods as he leaves allowing Weiss to get ready for the party that her father was hosting to try and build popularity after many rumors about the Schnee Dust Company breaking laws of course there was no proof but it did cause an impact on the family but also to raise money for the rebuild of Beacon.

Time Skip

Weiss stood next to her father at the party not impressed at how the rich people who came were just disrespectful to the faunus who were helping out as staff. Weiss goes over to the refreshment table and grabs a drink as she looked at the people until she hears a woman insulting Beacon.

Rich woman: "Seriously we are all here spending our hard earned money to help another kingdom when we should be defending ourselves first".

Weiss: "Shut up".

The rich woman just looks at Weiss with a disgusted face as Weiss just stood there not giving a care if she insulted her.

Rich woman: "How dare you I am a wealthy woman who has worked hard to earn her standing unlike you being given it on a sliver plater not only that but you betrayed Atlas and went to Beacon at least something good came out of it the faunus boy proved that all faunus are noting but beasts".

Weiss: "Keep his name out of your filthy mouth you disgusting pig". (Angry as fuck)

Weiss: "I knew that faunus and what he had gone through losing his whole village being the last of his kind while people like you slept in comfy warm beds he suffered in the bitter cold so insult me all you want but don't you dare talk bad about him ever again".

Weiss was so angry she never noticed that she had created a Boarbatusk which quickly rolls toward the woman before it was shot by Ironwood.

Rich woman: "Arrest her for assult".

Ironwood: "Actually I won't because she is the only one talking facts with that I will take my leave".

Time Skip

Jacque: "Of all the irresponsible thing you have done that takes the cake because of you many of the people who came to the party have pulled their money do you ever think about how your action impact me and the family".

Weiss: "Impact you and the family I think you mean my family name which you married into so I will defend my family name as the heiress".

Jacque: "No you won't because after this I have decided to make Whitley the successor to the Schnee name and you my dear daught will remain here and think about how you actions impact the family".

Jacque leaves as sat on her bed looking at her scroll as she sees a picture of you and her with real smiles on your faces before having another go at creating something that wasn't Grimm as a suit of armour appears bowing to her as Klein arrives to see it.

Weiss: "Klein I'll need your help".

Klein: "Right then".

Time Skip

Weiss had gone to meet Klein with her stuff in the library as a secret passage opens giving Weiss her escape route as Klein closed it behind her as she leaves without anyone noticing but as she exited she expected to have frosty winds hit her face but to her surprise a warm sunrise hit her instead as she had regained her smile.

Weiss: "F/n I will keep moving forward for you".

Weiss took off wanting to get far away from her father as possible as the bright sun rise lighting the way forward as she boards the first ship out of Atlas.

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