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As I wake up I noticed that my team was in their school uniforms but I hadn't got mine so I just wear my own clothes.

Elizabeth: "Your going to get in trouble".

Me: "I should care why besides I don't evem want to be here look at them thinking that life is filled with adventure but it's not all that is really there is death".

As we enter the class which was Mrs Goodwitchs combat class many students saw me and began to chat as I sat down. I was only sat for a second before my senses pick up on someone looking at me but when I look over my shoulder I saw it was Weiss as Mrs Goodwitch began her class two male students took the stage but one was clearly out of his league but after that a female took the stage completely defeating the male student who was dominate during his last match.

Glynda: "Very good Miss Nikos is anyone willing to test their skills against her".

I stand up and walk towards the stage but I leave my sword near my desk which made everyone a little worried.

Me: "Pyrrha Nikos it's an honour to defeat you".

My words made everyone speechless as we ready for our fight and I noticed Weiss watching me closely. I rush at Pyrrha with me following up with a kick which she blocks with her sheild but I use the impact to flip above her ready to deliver an axe kick but she blocks it with her javelin before pushing me away.

Me: "Your skilled lets see just how much".

As I rush at her again she expected me to go for a kick however I give her a punch to the gut causing Pyrrha's guard to break allowing me to grab her in a sleeper hold. I feel her struggle showing me she refused to surrender there was no doubt of her warrior spirit but she had a lot to learn as I tighten my hold forcing her to her knees many of the other students were screaming "let her go" or "Pyrrha give up" but in the end I forced her to submit before letting go.

Glynda: "Mr L/n you could of killed her".

I look a gasping Pyrrha and walk towards my seat but I soon noticed the cold stares of the people in the room but ignore them and sat down. After class ended I was walking to the cafeteria as many students just looked at me with hate and fear but that was nothing new.

Me: "So what you guys doing because I will be going to my bed".

Olivia: "You tried to kill Pyrrha in that sparring match and you expect everyone to not fear you because of that".

Me: "I don't really care what people think besides what is new humans have always hated the faunus so if you ask me killing one human doesn't make up for the faunus who have been killed".

I say as I soon noticed a bunny faunus being picked on and I take this as my chance to let out some stress as I place a hand on the man followed by a punch to the face.

Me: "My first day and I already see a mother fucker looking for a beating right Cardin".

As Cardin stood up I watch him go for a punch but I catch it and start applying pressure to his hand causing him to scream in pain but I just keep going. Cardin pleads for mercy but I just smile and grab his throat and lift his into the air never losing my smile.

Glynda: "MR L/N STOP".

I ignore her and continue to strangle Cardin as I watch him look at me with true fear I remember my master and his words.


Master: "F/n your a strong warrior but you anger is nothing but poison never let anger consume you if you do all you will find is a monster".

Me: "Yes master".

<Flashback Ends>

As the memory fades I let go of Cardin and back away as I see the fear in everyones eyes through the years I have lost myself to anger as I take my leave and watch Beacon fade from veiw.

Opin's Office

Ozpin: "I see that explains why he kills".

???: "Oz he has lived alone for a long time what should we do".

Glynda came into the room and informs Ozpin of your actions but also that you had left before he explained the developement of you.

Glynda: "So he has been through something like that at such a young age".

Ozpin: "Yes inform team RWBY of this and have them go after him after all this young man has been alone for far too long".

After Glynda left to inform team RWBY Ozpin looks out his window and sees your team heading for the bullhead most likely to go after you as team RWBY soon follows.

Ozpin: "I hope they find him because right now he is lost needing a guide back to where he belongs".

On The Bullhead

Team RWBY and team OPE sat together waiting to arrive as Ruby informs your team about your past and what you had been through to say it was shock would be putting it lightly.

Ruby: "So we are to find F/n and bring him home".

Weiss: "Why?"

Blake: "Weiss he has had to go through something like that and at a young age".

Weiss: "I understand that but even so he became a killer and don't forget he nearly killed us when we first met him".

Everyone was quiet at this before they land and start heading towards your cabin where they hoped to find you.

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