A Monster Or A Warrior

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As I sat in my cabin hoping to shut out the world that had rejected me my whole life all I could do was cover my ears as I pick up on the sound of footsteps which got closer and closer. I exit my cabin with Tsubaki in my hand as I noticed my team and team RWBY before running off even deeper into the forest and they gave chase until we exit out the forest and enter a destroyed village with Weiss being the first to exit.

Me: "You should always look before you leap snow queen".

As I said that a box forms around us which stopped her team and mine from entering making it an area where only me and Weiss stood.

Weiss: "What did you do?"

Me: "A little barrier which activates when people cross the boarder where only the winner may leave so prepare to die Weiss Schnee".

I rush at her with Tsubaki which ends with our weapons clashing but I use this lock to sweep her feet taking her off balance but she managed to avoid my strike by using her glyphs. As I pull Tsubaki out the ground I look at the Schnee and smile before I slowly walk towards her causing her to be on guard but I use my semblance to freeze time while still walking towards her.

Me: "Schnee kill, Schnee destroy, Schnee abuse no more".

Ruby: "F/N DON'T".

I raise Tsubaki up and prepare to swing my blade across Weiss's neck taking her head clean off but I miss as I see her pulled to the ground before it vanished allowing her to move again forcing me to jump back.

Weiss: "That won't work this time".

Me: "I see you learned a little secret about my semblance".

Weiss: "Your semblance is time based so while you can freeze time you can't freeze our semblances".

I smiled as I point Tsubaki at her ready to attack however I soon noticed multiple glyphs surrounding me as Weiss shoots her a fire ball at them and they all mirror the attack at me as she rushed in and pushed her rapier through my stomach as blood drips but everyone was soon surprised as I laugh and stay standing.

Me: "I give you credit your attack was most impressive however I may have been a little naughty and not told you a little secret I have".

Weiss pulls back as the smoke begins to clear and Blake was quickly on her knees which spooked the others as I emerge from the smoke top torn off but what shocked them even more was my wound had already stopped bleeding.

Yang: "Blake you ok".

Blake: "We can't win F/n is a rare faunus".

Paul: "What kind?"

Blake: "He is a dragon faunus".

I smiled as my scales appear as I hold Weiss's weapon over my heart allowing her to see just how impossible this battle was.

Me: "Now do you understand my level of skill is beyond you Schnee the moment this battle started I had won".

As I raise Tsubaki in the air Weiss was to frozen by fear and shock to move I prepare to strike as I feel Tsubaki resisting but I force her to submit and ready my strike as her team scream for me to stop.


I was training with my master and he looked at me with pride but every time I swing my wooden sword he looked at me uneasy.

Master: "F/n your moves are forced I told you a warrior must flow with their weapon as one".

Me: "I don't understand the sword is mine to use so I am in control".

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