Vol. 3 Return Of Heroes

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The world of Remnant had shifted to the side of fear and darkness as Salem who was known by the whole world had now not only destroyed Beacon but now Atlas this left only a few people who would stand against her.

To Vacuo

After Atlas fell everyone who was able to make it through found themselve in the kingdom of Vacuo but a small squad was still protecting the world after losing team RWBY, Jaune and F/n this squad was made up of Oscar, Qrow, Winter, Nora and Ren.

Oscar: "Ren on your left".

Ren quickly slays the Grimm that came at him on his left as Nora quickly took care of another wave of them but they all soon took not of the endless numbers.

Qrow: "This is fucking great they never stop".

Oscar: "I know but we have a duty to Remnant so we need to keep fighting until we no longer can".

Ren: "Oscar is right we must defend Remnant for all the people who have been lost already".

Nora: "For Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Penny, Jaune and F/n".

They all ready to take their last stand against the Grimm which get closer and closer showing their numbers to try and make them afraid but as they waited for the end something strange happened as the sky lights up and a blue beams of light come crashing down around them.

Qrow: "What now".

As Qrow said that a Grimm lunged at him but before it could make contact with it's sharp claws something comes swinging out of one of the beams and slays the Grimm as a hand grabs it to reveal it was a scythe but not just any scythe it was crescent rose as a slightly older Ruby walked out.

Ruby: "Hey Uncle Qrow".

Qrow: "Ruby".

Soon others appear from the beams Yang, Blake, Weiss, Jaune and lastly you but you all looked a little different but many noticed all of your weapons had upgrades they didn't have before.

Weiss: "Looks like we landed in the middle of a battle".

Yang: "Yeah but at least we can have a Yanging time".

Blake: "We have been gone for 2 years and your jokes are still cringy Yang".

Jaune: "I think it suits her".

Me: "Lets save the chatter for later after all the Grimm are destroyed".

With those few words you gave everyone felt at ease and suddenly the Grimm were showing fear as you look at them.

Me: "Tell your master we are back and we are coming".

The Grimm make a quick escape which shocked Qrow, Oscar, Nora and Ren as the thoughts of just how strong did you all get in these last 2 years as they all returned everyone was shcocked when team RWBY, Jaune and you return.

(I Don't own these images all credit to the artists)

This is what team RWBY look like

This is what team RWBY look like

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