Chapter 4

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"Jasmine hurry, your gonna make us late" you said sitting on your kitchen counter.

"Hold on" she called from her room.

You sighed and looked through your phone. Today you had on a different color other then red. You had on black fleece shorts with lime green accents. You had on a black jacket with a black and neon green sports bra underneath. To top it all off you had on your black Vans on. You and Jasmine were gonna go to the mall but she was taking very long.

"Okay sorry, I needed to find a cute outfit" she said fixing her shirt.

"Dude we are just going to the mall, who cares what we look like" you said looking at her all dressed up while you barley brushed your hair today.

"But you look good all the time" she said putting on a jacket.

"Yeah yeah" you said hopping off the counter.

You both walked to the mall as it was just down the street. As you both walked you walked by a poster store and something caught your eye. You walked back looking at the big poster in the window. It was a silhouette of a girl with long black hair and a bow and arrow. With a bright red ribbon holding her hair back. Along the bottom of the poster it said 'The Silent Anti-Hero: Longshot. You just looked at it. Even through your face wasn't in it, the poster made you nervous.

"That's a cool poster, this longshot seems to be making a big impact" jasmine said looking at you.

"Why?" You asked. "She's not a hero"

"Because she is a strong female figure, hero or not girls look up to her, and she has no quirk which makes her that much cooler I guess" Jasmine said taking notice to the red ribbon around your wrist.

"I guess, I don't see anything special about her" you said walked away from the store front.

You and Jasmine shopped for most of the day. You got some clothes and shoes and she got some ants and other things. She met up with her boyfriend and you offered to take her bags home so she could hang out with him. She hugged you and you took her bags and walked home. You got a cat call here and there on the way back but ignored it. You got to your building and walked up the stairs. You put the bags down and grabbed your key opening the door and pushing it open. You walked in and shut the door putting the bags in the living room. You felt chills run up your spine and then you smelt the strong smell of cigarettes. You sighed and walked to your room opening the door revealing Dabi laying on your bed smoking a cigarette.

"If your gonna smoke at least open the window" you said looking at him.

"My fault" he said as you rolled your eyes.

"What are you doing here?" You asked as you put your shoes away.

"Well I came to get you for a meeting but your were gone so I waited here" he said.

"It's mid day, we never have meetings right now" you said wrinkling your eyebrows.

"Well we have one later and I also need you to fix this." He said putting out the cigarette and standing up.

He took off his jacket and then took his shirt off as well. You watched his back muscles contract as he undressed. He threw his shirt to the side and turned around. He had ripped one of his stitches. He wasn't bleeding anymore but it looked painful and it was on his stomach.

"Dabi, what happend?" You asked concerned as you walked towards him and inspected it.

"I was being a little reckless and I ripped a stitch" he said shrugging.

"Sit down, I'll be back" you said sighing.

You walked into the bathroom and went under the sink to find the first aid kit. You grabbed it and you walked back into your room. He was sitting on the bed and looked at you through his hair. His eyes were almost haunting looking into them sent chills through your body. You got on your keens in between his legs and put the first aid kit on the bed along with the stuff to clean it.

"I could get used to this view" he said and you gave him a board expression and he let out a chuckle.

You put alcohol on some Cotten pads and gently placed them on his wound. He winced as it started to sting.

"Sorry" you said looking up at him.

After you cleaned it you grabbed some surgical thread and a needle. You pushed your hair behind your ear but it kept falling forward and getting in your face. You leaned your head back and shook your head slightly so your hair would fall behind your shoulders. Before you could finish you felt Dabi gather your hair up in his hand and hold it out of your face.

"Better?" He asked looking at your now light pink cheeks.

You nodded and begin giving him stitches. He was still for the most part but you could tell it hurt because his stomach muscles would tense every now and them. You finished and you grabbed big bandaid and put it on top.

"Alright, I'll put the staples in when this is done healing" you said looking up at him.

He was still holding your hair back and he just looked at you. He sat up a little bit and moved closer to your face. You could feel his breath fan your face. You looked up at him, practically begging him to kiss you but he didn't.

"Thanks" he said letting go of your hair.

You sighed and he got up and put on his shirt on. You sighed and got off of the floor.

"You should wear something comfortable to the meeting, you might me getting fitted for a dress" he said putting his jacket back on.

"Why might I be getting fitted for a dress?" You asked sitting on your bed.

"Because you pretty girl are going to an event to catch one of our targets" he said looking at you.

"With who? Are you going with me?" You ask leaning back ignoring the nickname he called you.

"Unfortunately no, I'm not going with you. The whole city know what i look like, but you are going with someone who will help you blend in" he said cracking his neck.

"And who might that be?" You asked

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