chapter 40

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"Are you going to look at me and tell me thats not you" he said and you just looked between him and the news paper.

There was no denying it that was you and Hawks. It was when he picked you up and flew you to the top of his agency. No one was around so you were just confused on who took this picture but it was there. Your face wasn't in it but the tattoo of the moon on your arm gave you away. You didn't know what to say so you didn't say anything.

"And you" Dabi said looking at Hawks. "Do you like her?" He asked his tone sounding angry with a hint of sadness.

"Why does it matter" you said before Hawks could respond. "Its not like you've been talking to me anyway."

"I wasn't talking to you" he said looking at you.

"I don't care you don't get to come in here and accuse us of something you should already know about" you raised your voice. "Considering you are the one who keeps sending him to follow me"

"You told her I sent you?" Dabi asked to Hawks.

"It wasn't hard to figure out dude Jasmine knew where she was no one else would send me to follow her" Hawks said keeping calm. "And to answer your question from before, no I do not like her, Not like that"

"Well then do you like him" Dabi asked you.

"Oh my god" you said rolling your eyes. "Are you serious right now?"

"Dead serious" he said and you rolled your eyes

"Not that its any of your business, but no I do not like him like that" you said and you saw his body relax slightly. "Are you done causing a scene? Because as of right now I'm embarrassed for you" you said shoving the newspaper into his hands.

He just looked at you. He was acting crazy and he knew he was. He hadn't talked to you for days and this was what he talked to you about. He saw the newspaper earlier that day and it sent him over the edge. You shook your head at him and leaned back on the wooden crates behind you. He sighed and walked to his seat by the bar. It was quiet and the tension in the air was thick. No one was really sure what just happened and neither were you. It stayed quiet until the meeting started. Even then the tension was still there. When it was Hawks turn to speak it got even worse solely because he was there to talk about being careful with the media. After the meeting everyone left pretty fast. You said goodbye to Hawks and walked over to Jasmine.

"Hey you wanna go somewhere" you asked standing next to her.

"Sorry I can't me and Ethan have plans" she said and you raised your eyebrows.

"Oh my gosh does little Jasmine have a crush on her tattoo artist?" You asked teasing her and saw her face get bright red.

"Y/n" she said in a whiny tone.

"I'm just kidding, go have fun and be safe" you said as she grabbed her bag to leave. "Also use protection and text me if you are staying at his house" you said and she blushed again nodding her head.

You sighed with a smile on your face as she walked out. You looked around and realized you were the only one left. You made sure you had everything before you went to go walk out before a voice stopped you.

"Y/n" Toga said peeking her head around the corner.

"Yes Toga" you said looking back at her.

"Are you and Dabi okay?" She asked coming out fully.

"I hope so Toga. I really hope so" you said and she nodded before she left.

You really did hope that you and Dabi would be okay. You aren't sure what's going on with him but for him to not talk to you and then make a scene like that was weird. You also didn't miss how his voice slightly changed when he asked if Hawks liked you. You felt very confused about this whole thing. You sighed and walked out of the hide out smelling the strong smell of cigarettes. You looked to your left and saw Dabi leaning on the wall. You both made quick eye contact before you looked away and it was silent until you decide to speak.

"I'm assuming thats a new pack" you said and he looked over at you.

"Huh? Well yeah it is. How did you know?" He asked confused as he blew smoke out of his mouth.

"Because you left these in my room" you said pulling out the pack of cigarettes from your pocket and holding them up.

You saw his eyes get slightly wide before going back to normal. You shook your head and walked over to him.

"Look if you're going to sneak into my room don't leave something behind" you said holding out the box for him to take.

He gently grabbed the box from you and you felt his fingers gently touch yours. For the brief second you two were touching it felt nice but you pulled your hand away. He looked at you with his bright blue eyes and you felt that familiar shiver go down your spine. He looked like he wanted to say something and you so badly wished that he would. But he didn't he just looked at you. You sighed and put your hands in your pockets.

"Goodnight Dabi" you said as you started to walk away

"Y/n wait" he said gently grabbed your wrist and you stopped and looked at him. "Stay with me tonight" he said and you stepped in front of him, closer then before.

"I would love to" you said as you saw his eyes go from your eyes to your lips and he started to lean in. "But I can't" you said and he stopped. "Not tonight" you said kissing his cheek. "Goodnight Dabi" you said walking away from him.

You could feel his eyes on you until you turned the corner. You wanted to stay the night but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You needed to show him that he can't be mean one second and nice the next so he can get what he wants. He seemed genuinely hurt at the thought that you and Hawks might like each other and that stuck with you. It made no sense. You and Hawks were friends and that would not change. You couldn't imagine yourself with Hawks. He is in the public eye way to much for your liking. You never really like being in the media. That's why you were as carful as possible when it came to being Longshot. You didn't like the feeling of people you didn't know knowing every aspect of your life something a lot of the league wouldn't know about.

Dabi however knew way to much about it. You weren't aware of who his dad was at the time and he was never going to tell you. If you knew his dad was endeavor he thought it would change your opinion on killing him. And he wanted him dead just as much as you did.
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