Scenarios with the kids

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Cyrus and Cassidy: * arguing who is the favorite child again*
Cyrus: you're lazy. You don't help out with the kids, or keep them busy. You don't even do your own homework, I do it for you but you take the credit. I do the opposite of you which makes me the favorite child obviously
Cassidy: oh yeah?! Well I don't have fucking sex in the bathroom with a bitch who's gonna fucking betray me at some point. At least I actually help Dad at work unlike you. Which makes me the Favorite dumb ass.

*boss music plays*
Cyrus: huh?!
Cassidy: what the fuck?!

Seren: *riding in his toy power wheels jeep with Riley in the passenger side* so, we were called? Obviously we are the favorites. We're cute. We keep our mother on her toes. We get away with everything because we are little. You kids needa get with the times.
Cyrus: oh my God! Is dad constructing a treehouse in the backyard?
Cyrus: that got the star child to shut up

This one is based on a TikTok audio:

Cyrus: there is a problem!
Seren: I am the solution!
Hunter: Darwin had a theory called
Will, Cass: evolution!

Seren: He put it into words, but it's plain to see
We need a little less of them
A little more of me!

Cyrus: are you the favorite child or something...


Riley: *crying to her brother that someone took her toy on the playground*
Seren: *comforting her* watch this! Flapjack, peck and retrieve!

The red cardinal finds the bully and pecks the fuck out of their face and retrieves the stolen toy*
Riley: wow! Tank you, wen!
Seren: no problem. Just don't tell Hunter I taught his bird that


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