The morning after (3 of 3)

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Cyrus woke up around 6 o'clock, his legs taking him to the kitchen where his entire family sat. "There's my favorite star! How'd you sleep?" Sunny asked.
"Like a baby." Responded Cyrus. Hunter muttered "literally" under his breath. Cyrus turned red, before Night guided him to a chair. "Hunter, I wouldn't talk if I were you."

Riley had a mischievous grin on her face. Cyrus knew that look. He brought his chair closer to the high chair at the end of the table and held the bowl of cereal out of her reach. " do you want to go in time out, little girl? Because I will do it if you throw your breakfast" He said in a serious tone, and Riley started tearing up.
"Cyrus, I appreciate the help but you have to be more gentle." Night said, and Cyrus blinked. "but I'm just trying to keep her under control."

"I know, but I need you to watch." Night got up, and stood next to Riley. "Starlight, no throwing food, okay?"

Riley nodded, and Cyrus watched as his mother spoonfed Riley. " whose classroom am I going into after school?" He asked.

Night looked at him. "Sunny and I's. We knew that you would try and get out of being grounded by convincing your uncle if we put you with him. Both of us have learned your tricks by now, baby boy."

"But I don't wanna!" He whined. Night knew that tone. He was pulling a Seren by acting childlike to get out of this. He's done the trick a few times, and it worked on his father, but not on Night. Night knew how to placate her oldest". "If you work with us without an issue MAYBE I'll let you stay up a little later this weekend."

Cyrus nodded.

"You do realize you offered him the same deal you did our kindergartner." Sunny said during their break.
" that's the point, my dear Sunny. He wants to act like his brother, he'll get treated like his brother."

" as the saying goes, act like a child get treated like one. How long until he realizes the deal he made was identical? He was there when the original deal was made."

Night looked at him. " i'd say give it a few more hours. I'm surprised you haven't given in yet."

"Me too. It's hard not to break, but I'm worried if I do, he might end up doing something reckless."

Night kissed him on the lips. "Our sweet boy is gonna come out stronger, sweeter and more mentally sound than he was. You put your foot down and that is showing him that he does not run this house or make the rules. I'm proud of you for not letting our little rule breaker get away this time."

Sunny flushed red.

Having the love of his life letting him know that he's doing a great job of keeping his son under control meant the world to him. But what meant even more was that she was so proud of him.

And that meant everything.


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