Night had tracked down the parents of every single child that had targeted her son. She quickly grabbed her phone before calling the school's principal. "Hello? Mrs. Tanger? This is Night Slysdale, Seren's mother. I'm calling in regards to an incident, actually multiple incidents in which my son was the target of bullying and harassment."
The principal on the other side of the phone gave a small sigh. " I will be setting up a conference for tomorrow. Would you mind emailing me the list of students that took part in this?"
Night pulled out her phone and quickly did so. " just did. You should be getting the email in a few seconds. Thank you so much for setting this meeting up."
" it's my job. See you tomorrow." And the principal hung up. Night made a quick phone call to Freddy straight afterwards. "Hey Freddy boy. I hope it's not too much to ask but Sunny and I have to take off work tomorrow for something important, and I can't take Riley with us. I know tomorrow's your day off, but would you mind babysitting Riley?"
" not at all. May I ask why you won't leave her in the daycare though?" He replied, his soft voice showing concern.
"Something about leaving her in the daycare without her father or I present in the building makes me uneasy. surely you understand" She responded.
"Yeah, I get it. Bring her diaper bag and stroller to my house when you drop her off. I'm probably taking her out. After all, what kind of uncle would I be if I didn't spoil my niece? Speaking of which, I got her and Seren new car seats for my car." He said with a playful chuckle.
The mother knew she could not stop uncle bear and his spoiling of her kids. "Thanks Fred. I'll see you tomorrow."
11 am, next morning.
Seren was sitting by the playground swings, his back against the metal structure of them. That's when Peter approached him, his tiny hands pinning Seren to the ground. "Your mark makes you look ugly, Seren. It's why nobody wants to be your friend." He said, and scratched the boy's port wine stain, and then decided to pull a paper towel out of his back pocket, and repeatedly scrubbed at it. Seren cried loudly, the pain overwhelming every single one of his senses. After a few more rounds of torture by Peter and his friends, The recess monitor finally realized what was going on and pulled the boys apart. Seren was brought to the nurse by his teacher who had been notified. If Miss Hayblue had the ability to punch a child without going to jail, she would take that chance and send Peter flying.
By the time the young boy was cleaned up by the nurse, it was time for the meeting. Miss Hayblue called in for a substitute teacher before walking Seren down.
When Sunny and Night saw the state their son's face was in, their eyes widened. Bruises, a few scratches, and irritated skin were present all over his birthmark. Night looked at the other parents, growling. " do you believe me now, Stephen? Your son and their children did all of this." She hissed, watching as Sunny quietly consoled a crying Seren.
Stephen stared.
" well we can't expel the children as this harassment is only newly reported. The closest we can do is a one week suspension." Unfortunately, the parents had bargained for their kids not to be suspended but instead write letters to the child they bullied because according to them, their kids were "too little and didn't know any better"
Night was full of rage, Sunny had to fight the urge to strangle the parents who were sighing in relief.
Stephen pulled Night aside and apologized, and said he would be punishing his son for his deedsThe next morning, Night decided to stop by Seren's classroom on her own terms. Miss Hayblue had kept Seren again to make sure no incident would occur
Suddenly, there was screaming and yelling, coming from the playground. Night knew that yell. She quickly walked to the other side of the room and let her eyes follow the noise. The window looked out to the playground, and nothing seemed unusual. Then she saw her nephew Gregory beating the ever living shit out of the main brat that had hurt Seren. Greg's fists were bloody, and Peter was covered in bruises. The boy's nose was bleeding from Greg's impact.
Once Gregory saw Night, The boy gave a thumbs up, raised his fist and mouthed
"Justice is Served."
Galaxy Fam
AcakA small book featuring the lives of a silly blond boy, a 17-year-old sweetheart, a six year old chaos child and their toddler aged sister and their parents