Creepy House

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Take My Breath Away - Berlin

T H E   N I N A   P R O J E C T       P T

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T H E   N I N A   P R O J E C T P T . I

We crashed at the Wheeler's house once again. The seven of us had been taking turns all night to keep an eye on Max. It was currently Dustin's turn. Steve and I were sleeping on the recliner since we all agreed to give the couch to Max. It was a tight fit for the both of us. I had my head on his chest. Steve had a protective arm around me, his cheek on the top of my head.

"Dustin!" I heard someone hiss, waking me up. I opened my eyes to see Nancy next to Dustin. My little brother opened his eyes with a hum. He was sitting on the floor, leaning against the tv. There was drool going down his chin. "Wake up."

"What?" Dustin was trying to stay awake.

"Aren't you supposed to be on Max watch?" Nancy scolded him.

"Yep." Dustin quickly woke up, rubbing his eyes. He wiped the drool of his chin with his sleeve. "Yep, yep, yep. Sorry."

"Then where is she?" Nancy asked.

"Max isn't here?" I sat up, looking at the empty couch.

"She's right there. A second ago." Dustin glanced from the couch and checked his watch. "I swear, I dozed off for..."

"Dustin?" I got off the recliner. Steve stirred in his sleep, his hand slightly reaching for me.

"An hour." Dustin said with wide eyes.

"She has to still be in the house." I stated. The three of us ran up the stairs. "Maybe she had to go to the bathroom? Or-or food? Maybe she got hungry? I would get hungry."

Nancy turned down the hall towards the kitchen. Dustin and I followed suit.

"Actually I am hungry." I muttered to myself with a frown.

My stomach growled. We entered the kitchen to see Max at the table. She was hunched over coloring on a piece of paper. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Morning, guys." Mrs. Wheeler chirped. She step aside from the toaster. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah." Nancy told her mom. "Yeah, everything's okay."

"I think it's so sweet." Mrs. Wheeler stacked more waffles on a plate. Mr. Wheeler was at the counter reading the paper. Max turned to look at us, showing that she had we headphones on. "That you guys are sticking together like this."

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