My Brother the Genius

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Take Me Home Tonight - Eddie Money

T  H  E    M  A  S  S  A  C  R  E    A T     H A W K  I  N  S   L A B  P T

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T  H  E    M  A  S  S  A  C  R  E    A T     H A W K  I  N  S   L A B P T . I I I

The five of us were in Nancy's bedroom. We knelt on the ground to so we could all see the Lite Brite. Nancy held the Lite Brite, waiting for Dustin, Erica, and Lucas to put the pegs on their side. Our end of the board was dark and was filled with the colored pegs.

As we had waited for the others to finish their Lite Brite, Nancy had filled Steve and I in on how we're technically in the past. The Upside Down was still in 1983 when Will had disappeared all these years. So, technically, we're now time travelers.

"Come on. Come on." Steve whispered.

The red particle cloud appeared above the board. A smile grew on my face. They did it. Nancy propped the Lite Brite on the bed.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Dustin asked.

Nancy lifted her hand and put it through the cloud.

"Holy shit!" Erica said, Dustin's laugh in the background.

"We're not moving it, but we're gonna unplug it. Stand by." Dustin informed us. The particle cloud shimmered away. "Okay, try it now."

The red particle cloud popped up above the Lite Brite. Eddie tapped Nancy's shoulder in excitement. I grabbed a hold of Steve's hand and anxiously bit the inside of my cheek.

"Okay." Nancy muttered. "Uh..."

Nancy used her finger to spell the letter "H" in the cloud. I heard Dustin read the letter aloud. She then spelt out "I". Dustin read it aloud as well before he came to the conclusion Nancy had spelled out "Hi".


"Hey! Hi!"

"That worked!" Dustin laughed.

"Yes!" The five of us cheered.

"Yes!" I hugged Steve in joy. "We did it."

"Hi!" Eddie enthusiastically stated.

Robin released a chuckle as she wore a big smile. She reached her hand over Nancy and Eddie to high five me.

"Okay." Nancy hesitated on writing, not knowing what to spell out next. "S.T.U."

"Stupid?" Dustin guessed. "Stupid?"

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