Hopscotch to Vecna

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Master of Puppets- Metallica

    T  H  E    P  I  G  G  Y  B  A  C  K       P  T

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    T H E    P I G G Y B A C K P T . I I

We broke through the woods. Red thunder boomed above us. The four of us stopped when we saw the house. The Upside Down version of the Creel's house was even more creepy. The bats were flying around the house. We glanced toward the playground, looking for Erica's lamp. A red glow came from the playground.

"Erica." Steve stated, looking at Robin and I.

"Let's finish this." I stated as we started to walk toward the playground. Once we reached the lamp, I stuck my hand into the glowing particles and moved it around. The tickling warm sensation traveling up my hand. "Come on Erica."

"Alright, give me a sec to contact him." Erica told us.

"Hurry up Sinclair." Steve muttered under his breath, eyeing the house.

"Okay, the love birds have copied. Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna." Erica informed us.

"So far, so smooth." Robin said.

"Yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet." Steve stated.

Thunder clapped. A nudging sensation filled my mind. I froze, knowing it was Vecna. Trying not to alert or scare the others, I smoothly put the headphones over my head and pressed play on the Walkman. The Journey cassette was still in there. Wheel in the Sky was playing. I made sure to have volume low enough to still hear everyone but loud enough to block out Vecna.

Nancy took a step forward. She eyed the house and watched as the bats circled around the the roof. Every now and then, they would release shrieks.

"Take the bait, you son of a bitch." Nancy said under her breath. "Take the bait."

"You okay?" Steve nudged me. I turned to face him, seeing him point to the headphones. I knew he read my expression. "Is he trying to get into your mind?"

"I think so." I replied honestly. Steve inhaled sharply. "But it's not like how it felt when I was floating and shit...it's like...it's like he opened the door but hasn't stepped through yet."

"He's waiting." Steve furrowed his brows.

"I think I'm his backup...in case he can't get to Max." I bit my lip, averting my eyes to the bats flying in the sky.

"We're not going to give him the chance to." Steve held my hand.

"Okay." I tightened my hood on his hand, secretly terrified for Max and I.

It fell silent as we waited. To be safe, we crouched beneath some fallen branches. Our flashlights had to be turned off. It wasn't long before the bats started to fly away. They swarmed towards the direction of the trailer. Eddie had to be blasting his guitar right now. My heart ached at the sudden urge to play instruments again hit me.

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