Just Don't

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Cold as Ice - Foreigner

▸ Cold as Ice - Foreigner

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T H E   F L AY E D  P T . I

We have been falling for what felt like thirty minutes. All of us have been yelling as we feared the impact and fall. Steve held my hand tightly. He had one of his hands clutching at the boxes to keep himself steady. I was too terrified to go near the walls of the elevator as I saw the walls of the shaft zoom through the gaps. I was closer to the center of the elevator, sitting on the floor and practically hugging the boxes between Steve and I.

"Shit! Shit!" Dustin went for the control box and slammed at the buttons.

"We're going down! We're going down!" Steve yelled.

"Yeah, no shit, Harrington!" Robin shouted back.

"I think I'm going to pass out. Or throw up. I think I'm going to hurl." I squeezed my eyes shut. "Oh God, someone stop this godforsaken elevator!"

"Why don't these buttons work!?" Dustin screeched.

"Press the buttons!" Erica demanded.

"What do you think I'm doing!?" Dustin screamed at her.

"Erica!" I raised my voice louder than everyone else's.


"Give me your bag, I'm gonna hurl!" I gagged, still too scared to open my eyes.

"Oh, hell no!"

"Come on, press something!" Steve demanded, adjusting his hold on my hand. "Just press the button!"

Dustin only screamed in frustration. Suddenly, the elevator stopped. I fell backwards from the sudden movement. Groaning, I opened my eyes to stare at the ceiling.

"My groin. It fell on my groin." Steve groaned from the other side of the boxes. "Dustin! Get this off of me! I can't move."

The sudden urge to throw up overwhelmed me. I rushed to my feet, the fast movement making the feeling even worse. Ripping the closest box open, I vomited inside.

"Aw, gross!" Erica stepper away from me.

"You okay?" Robin walked over to me and awkwardly patted my back. "Is everyone okay?"

"This is why I hate rides." I groaned in response, clutching the edges of the box. Someone slapped something into my hand. My eyes went to see that it was a stick of gum. I looked up to see Erica holding a pack of gum. "Uh...thanks."

"I don't need no vomit breath near me." Erica walked away.

"Yeah, well, I'm great," Steve stood up and turned to face Robin, "now that I know that Russians can't design elevators!"

I unwrapped the gum and popped it into my mouth. The taste of mint hit my tastebuds. Steve had pulled Dustin away from the control box. With a sigh, I slowly stood up and blew a bubble.

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