Follow the Voices

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Faith - George Michael

T H E  M O N S T E R  P T

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T H E  M O N S T E R  P T . 1

"Nancy! Dawn! Girls!" Johnathon's and Danny's voices echoed in the Upside Down. Nancy and I continued to run away from the monster. "Where are you!?"

"Johnathan! Johnathon!" Nancy screamed. I was too scared to call out for help. Glancing back, I managed to see that we put some distance between us and the monster with it in no view of our sight. A weird sense of relief fell over me, my instincts now calling out to find my brother.

"Danny! Danny!" I screeched, frantically looking around for the tree Nancy and I crawled through.

"Johnathon, Danny. We're right here!" Nancy spun around, looking for them. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. "Where are they? Where are we? Why can't we see them?"

"I-I think we're in some alternate dimension after all Nancy. We need to get out of here before we get eaten next." I breathed out, trying to turn on my flashlight. The boys were still calling out our names. I groaned out in frustration, smacking the flashlight against a tree when it still wouldn't turn out. "Where's the freaking tree!?"

"Nancy! Dawn! Come on!" Johnathon's voiced echoed once again.

"Let's not give up. C'mon Dawn. We've gotta keep running. We'll find the tree eventually." Nancy wrapped her hand around my wrist. I nodded, wiping away the tears that weld up in my eyes. The both of us went back into running. "Johnathon, Danny, where are you?!"

"Danny!" I called out, scanning the blurring trees for the one we entered through. "Danny!"

"Johnathon! Danny! We're right..." Nancy stopped and let go of my hand, anxiously spinning around in a circle. "We're right here!"

"We're right here!" Danny replied back. Tears started to well up in my eyes again, the thought of Nancy and I never leaving the Upside Down hitting me hard. I'll probably will never see my family ever again.

"Johnathon! Danny!" Nancy cried out. She turned towards me. "We need to find that tree."

"I know." I nodded, swallowing back a sob. I ran my hands shakenly through my hair. Danny and Johnathon were still calling out for us. "We better start looking quickly."

"Just follow my voice!" Johnathon's faintly said, sounding far away now.

"What did he say?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Follow his voice." Nancy muttered, licking her lips. She grasped my hand again and we went back into a run. "Johnathon!"


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