SCENE ONE. cherry ice cream

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"alrighty, one scoop of chocolate. that's a buck twenty five." he said, scooping a customer their ice cream. the other girl was waiting patiently for her ice cream as he handed it over. the girl gave him a tight grin as she handed over the money to him. 

"ooh, purdue. fancy." he said, noticing the girl's shirt. 

"yeah, i'm excited." she said smiling as she pocketed the rest of her money. 

"yeah you know, i considered it, purdue, but then i was like. you know what? i really think i need some real-life experience, you know. before i hit college, see what it feels like. kinda like uh, i don't know, see what it's like to earn a working man's wage, you know? i think that's like really important.'' steve rambled as he started up cashing the money so she could get her change back. the two girl's gave each other amused glances as he did so. they only wanted ice cream, not a speech about working. 

"yeah, anyway, this was, like, so fun. we should kind of like, you know. i don't know, maybe hang out this weekend. oh i'm sorry about that." he said, rambling and stumbling over words like some kind of idiot as he passed over the girls money. his hands fumbled as it clattered to the ground. 

"yeah, i'm busy. no, i'm sorry, i can't." the girl said, smiling as her friend laughed. before tugging her friend's hand and tugging her away. 

"it's my first day here!" he shouted after them but they were already walking away as he sighed. the windows behind him opening.

"and another one bites the dust. you are oh-for-six popeye." robin laughed as she striked down another mark on their board. the board of you rule, and you suck. and as it currently stands, zero to sick. he sucks. and he turned to look at his employee who merely smiled at him.

"yeah, yeah. i can count." he spat

"you know that means you suck.” robin added as the man in the sailor costume crossed himarms looking at her. 

"yup, i can read too." he added, rolling his eyes at the girl who was still holding up the board.     

"since when?" she asked shocked as if this was the most shocking thing she had ever heard. 

"it's this stupid hat. i am telling you, it's totally blowing my best feature." he practically cried walking over to the conter where the windows were. leaning down on the counter as robin joined him 

"yeah, company policy is a real drag. you know, it's a crazy idea. but have you considered telling the truth?" she asked joining him, leaning on the other side of the counter so they could face each other. 

"oh, you mean, that i couldn't even get into tech and my douchebag dads trying to teach me a lesson. i make three bucks an hour and i have no future? that truth? or the truth that i can't get bitches anymore?" and robin only grinned, at least he was self aware.

"hey, twelve o'clock." robin smiled, pointing at a group of girls walking towards the shop. steve turned to see girls he went to highschool with. 

"oh shit, okay. i'm going in. and you know what? screw company policy."

"oh my god, you're a whole new man." she grinned as he went to turn. only to find the group of girls hadn't joined them.but there was a girl. a familiar face that he couldn't quite place his finger on. maybe he went to school with her too? 

"ahoy, madam. anything i can get for your sweetheart?" he asked and the girl finally looked up at the boy. he watched as her face fell slightly before plastering a smile on her face. and robin roaned, grabbing the pen and striking down another marker on you suck. 

"can i get a cherry ice cream? and tubed." she asked softly, eyes flickering from steve's eyes to the ice cream fridges under the counter.

"cherry?" he asked, face twisting slightly in disgust as he nodded, grabbing the scoop and an ice cream cup.

"cherry." she repeated giving him an not amused glance. 

"steve harrington, cherry? how odd." he said, introducing himself with a grin as robin just watched the two.

"i know who you are harrington. i just like cherries." she replied as he handed the girl her reddish ice cream that had the red sauce poured on top. handing her the ice cream as she handed over the two dollars.

"you never told me your name?" he said as she went to walk away. scoffing lightly as she spun back on her heel.

"piper. my name is piper parker." and it clicked. robin's eyes widening as she shouted steve's name. she now recognized the girl.

"see you around some time, piper?" he asked softly, and her face couldn't help but soften for the boy in sailor clothes. maybe he had changed since school. plus he didn't seem to recognize her. not like he bullied her for two years.  

"yeah. see ya around harrington." she said, giving him a smile before walking away. steve practically bounced in excitement as he turned to face robin. whose face was purely shocked. 

"what." he asked, not understanding the blank stare. 

"you just talked to a girl. and you didn't completely suck ass." she mumbled, striking down the mark on the you rule section. 

"i did." he mumbled, smiling like some kind of cheshire cat as robin grumbled to herself. slamming the windows shut. how the fuck. and to piper parker as well.

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