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and they ran up and down the staff halls in the mall, hearing the pounding footsteps. followed by a gunshot as piper dragged steve around a corner. reminding her of her own gun she had stolen from the guard. no, that the mind flayer had stolen from the guard.

"where are we going?" erica asked as she noticed they barely dodged the last one. it was getting closer.

"the movie theatre, we can sneak them in.'' piper exclaimed as steve laughed about taking her on a date. the girl only rolled her eyes at him. and dustin nodded, leading the pair down the corridor to the door that leads into the cinema. the three sneaking the drugged teens into the movies. the only seats left were the three in the front.

"you to sit. piper, you're on watch from here.” dustin ordered.

"that is so unfucking fair." she grumbled dropping into the middle seat as steve dragged her down.

"no, no, no. these seats are too close!" robin exclaimed as she sat on piper's other side.

"dude, these seats blow!'' steve exclaimed as he craned his neck up to watch the movie. he had seen it advertised but never had the time to actually go watch. back to the future. it was.

"then don't watch the movie.'' dustin shouted, starting to get irritated with the way the pair were acting. hearing the people behind them grumbling under their breaths.

"we wanna watch it!" robin mumbled as if she was sad that he had suggested not to watch the movie.

"then watch it '' dustin spat and piper couldn't contain her smile lifting onto her features as steve giggled.

"shh!" the man behind them mumbled as he leaned forward.

"whatever you do, make sure they don't go anywhere." dustin ordered piper who only nodded. leaning backwards into the chair as the exhaustion started to settle in. eyes droopy.

"fine, dad." steve added as robin laughed. and dustin and erica were running off to the other side where two more seats were. leaving piper with the drugged teens.

"okay it's official, i'm never having kids."

"what are we doing here?" erica asked turning to look at the boy.

"we're laying low. cooling off. like oswald.'' dustin mumbled as he relaxed into the chair. leaning backwards. as he let himself rest.

"oswald was found in a theatre and shot to death." erica added and dustin couldn't help but groan, she was right. of course she was.

"a week later," he added.

"the point is, his plan didn't work." she was quick to mumble.

"only because it was a set up. he was just a patsy."

"tell me you're joking." erica exclaimed, rolling her eyes at the boy who had returned to watching the movie.

"shh!" a woman behind them hushed them.

"shh!" the two repeated, before smiling at one another. they would have laugh if it were not that they were in theatre.

"we need to get out of here." and dustin nodded, leaning forwards to throw a look at the three. robin and steve watching the movie as piper rested her head on steve's shoulder.

"piper?'' steve questioned pulling his eyes from the movie to the girl falling asleep on his shoulder and she only hummed in response.

"is this a date?" he questioned, shovelling another handful of bin popcorn into his mouth before holding some out for her.

"no it's not." she added. shaking her head and instead he passed it over to robin who quickly shuffled it into her mouth.

"why not?"

"because you're drugged u right now harrington, you don't mean it."

"yes i do, i like you." he added, looking down at her like a lost puppy. hurt that she thought he didn't like her.

"no you don't, watch your movie." and he only nodded watching as she closed her eyes, breathing softening as she started to fall asleep. and he leaned down, pressing the softest kiss to her forehead that erica couldn't help but smile at as she and dustin ran out of the theatre. but when they returned, only the girl was left on the chairs, head resting against the back of the chair.

"where are they?'' dustin spat and the pair jumped up running over to piper. who woke up, saying that they went for something to drink before she rolled back over. erica and dustin rushed off to the food court as piper needed the toilet. walking out to find robin and steve outside. robin leaning over the water tap. and steve staring up at the ceiling. all the light twinkling above him.

"steve, are you alright?" piper questioned as steve called for robin to join him. he remained stood, staring straight up at the ceiling.

"this ceiling, it's beautiful."

"steve? robin?" piper questioned, both teenagers turning to the girl who was stood at the entrance of the theatre and they gulped. bile rising in their throats as they ran into the restroom. leaving for the first two toilets, and piper remembered how she needed to pee. trying her hardest to ignore the pair throwing up as she went to the west of the toilets.

"do you guys want some food or something?" piper asked and all she got back was a grumbled response. and she nodded, taking her leave. finding herself walking to the food court as she left robin and steve in the bathroom.

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