SCENE THIRTEEN. the arcade date

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when steve had pulled up to her window she was shocked, she hadn't been expecting the boy. today was her shower day. wash hair, shave

"let's go!" he shouted, grinning like a child. piper rushed to grab a baggy shirt before following him to his car.

"where are we going?" she shouted, running after him. throwing herself into his passenger seat.

"the arcade." he laughed like a child, he drove fast. almost like he was that excited to go to the arcade. and when they pulled up, she noticed why. they were running around two. dustin, max and lucas. and the girls mood brightened. they spent the day messing around. wasting all their money on games. laughing and competing against one another. this was their last game, steve swore. it was some kind of claw machine. there was tons of teddies inside. but in true piper fashion she wanted the biggest one. right in the middle.

"this is for you pip." he laughed as he handed her the teddy, watching as she squealed. charging at him with her arms wide open. like a child. his own grin stretching as he watched her with it. it was so cute.

"i love you." she mumbled as he threw his arm over the girl's shoulders. leading her towards the food court. he was starving. before her eyes landed on something. a photo booth. and without another word, she pulled steve towards the photo booth, a large happy smile on her face. and he felt happy.

the two squished inside the booth as it started counting down for their first image. grabbing his chin and planting her lips on his cheek. the picture was taken so they were just smiling, piper holding the teyy between them as if it were some kind of family photo. and then the last two, planting her lips on his as they grinned, hearing the camera flick indicating the last one. the countdown for the last one starting.




and dustin's head appeared out of nowhere, right in front of the camera with a big toothy grin.

"dustin!" they both exclaimed pilling from the booth, the boys giggles following him as he disappeared into the arcade. making piper laugh as she picked up the two copies of their photos.

"i'm starving!" steve cried as she went to pull him back towards another game. and she laughed. he started dragging her towards the food court. throwing themselves in a booth to hide from the kids. the waitress coming to get their order.

"cherry slush." piper smiled.

"mac and cheese burger." steve added for himself and the girl's face upturned. the waitress smiled and nodded as she wrote it down.

"you are proper minging."

"you talk so funny." steve laughed, the girl rolling her eyes as she picked up the bear. putting it between them as if she was making sure he couldn't reach her. but he just leaned over it,grabbing her face and planting his lips against hers. neither of them saw the saddened look in nancy's eyes who sat a few tables away with mike. she missed jonathan.

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