SCENE FIFTEEN. the tear between reality

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steve, lucas and dustin were before max, who kneeled into the dirt. blue jeans staining greens and browns, eyes opened staring whitely ahead. trying to snap the girl out of it when steve noticed the lack of piper in his car. dustin following the boys worried eyes and dustin was up. without a word. bucking it towards the car, he was going to get the radio. signal to robin and nancy and find piper. it was stressful depiction picking which one he should do first. hands reaching to grab the radio before throwing himself over the car. letting a out a slight cry as his eye's landed on the girl he thought of as an older sister. she was more of his older brother's girlfriend but not important. he kneeled before the frozen girl. her eyes unlike max's were screwed shut, the look of pain painted on her features as if he were seeing an emotion through a looking glass.

"nancy, robin. do you copy?" he cries as he reached out for piper, trying to shake her.

"this is a code red. do you copy?" he spoke again and as if timed the girls eyes snapped open. scrambling from the ground to kneel, water spitting from her lungs immediately. dustin looking away in disgust, making sure she didn't see him notice the blood in the water.

"piper!" he cried, arms reaching out to help her out. the floating feeling still drifted around her as shapes and colours focused in. eventually dustin appeared kneeling before her, she could feel his hand on her shoulder. it was dustin, it was actually dustin. she looked to the radio in his hand.

"dustin, we copy." robin spoke breaking the static noise. she watched dustin take a sigh of relief. real.

"holy shit finally. please, please, please tell me you guys figured it out." he spoke as piper regained her balance. a hand resting in the car bonnet when she spotted max and the boys. no.

"music-" robin started but the rest didn't reach pipers ears as she grabbed max's bag. max always had her headphones. always. without fail. she grabbed the girls bag and stumbled towards the group. waisting little to know time. the girls lack of energy caused her to crumble halfway but it didn't stop her. she crawled, gaining footing once more. when she began to crumbled again, this time arms caught the fall. steve pulling her towards him.

"i got you." he spoke pulling her towards max and lucas. the bag dropping to the floor. the tapes falling out.

"what's all this?" luvas asked as steve softly made the girl sit on the ground.

"why? why?" he questioned.

"robin said- it's too much to explain right now. what's her favourite song?" dustin screamed. piper's mouth opened to give an answer, she knew it could be one of two tapes. two she always played. yet the words fell short. sound never followed. the feeling of her airway cut off.

"piper. piper!" steven cried, he panicked. he didn't know what to do. didn't know how to help. she sat there, choking on her own words. and there was nothing he could do. unknown to them, max watched as the vine wrapped around the girls throat alongside her own. she looked to the people frozen around her in vecna's place. chrissy, fred. both broken like doors. fingers snapped and stuck to pillars. piper just stood beside the 'man'. but it wasn't piper. it was fake. it couldn't be.

the girl could only try and point towards the pile of tapes dustin and lucas were ruffling through. running up that hill by kate bush. lucas quickly grabbed the plastic case. pulling the rape out as dustin set up the headphones. the slight hum of the music could be heard playing. yet there was no sign of change.

"they can't help you max. she did this to you." it spoke, wrapping the vine tighter around her throat as she let out a cry noticing the tear in reality. she could see them. lucas, dustin and steve screaming for her to wake up. she could see steve constantly looking back to check on piper who was choking on thin air.

and only did it stop as the body began to float up into the sky. he had shown her what was going to happen when she was in dream state, he had tricked her. this was it. the end of max. max who thought of her friends in her final breath. she thought of lucas, she thought of el. a girl she missed dearly. she thought of them laughing, playing having fun. of hellos and goodbyes. of hugs and kisses. the day at the mall with el and piper. and she thought of piper. and she reached out. ripping a vine from the man's neck. dropping her to the ground. she looked to the rip of reality. to piper who was screaming. crying. grabbing fistfuls of the ground as she begged. steve trying to hug her as dustin and lucas were trying to get max. she couldn't leave her. so she ran. without another thought max began running towards the blurs of colour in the red room. ignoring it all as she went. the song echoing round her, dodging rocks dropping from the sky above. ignored the red vines desperately trying to reach her. and the last thing she heard was pipers finally cry of her name as she was surronded in darkness. the body falling from the sky. three boys immediately surrounded her. she felt the warmth of arms around herself, the familar scent of her lucas and she broke down. sobbing in the boys arms as he held her close. almost like if he let go, she would float up again.

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