SCENE TEN. i told you so

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they are still dripping wet when he drives her home, hot air blowing from the ac. in an attempt to dry them. but when he turns to look at her to see if the temperature is alright. she is fast asleep. leaning against the window, breathing softly. she looked so calm. but all he could think about was what had happened earlier in the year. the mall. it still scared him, the girls crying screams. that blood filled he was dragged into. the coldness of her, watching as she faded away right before his eyes. it wouldn't happen again, he had to keep her safe. and right now he had to get her in bed. lifting her into his arms after pulling onto the street outside her house. a spot which had quickly become steve's car parking spot. as usual the door was unlocked, the women sat on the chair watching tv. nodding at him, noticing the fast asleep girl nuzzled in his chest. he made quick work of getting her out of her wet clothes. finding her some dry ones before letting her rest against the sheets.

piper woke up before steve, she was confused how she had gotten in bed and was practically naked. before hearing the soft snores beside her. opening her eyes rather slowly, trying not to blind. turning to look at the boy, finding steve laid in the sheets. skin pale against the red, the sun shining through the window sending a halo of light around him. hair stuck up in random places and lips twitching lightly. she felt heavy, hot. she was hot. the boy's arm was stretched across her hugging her back to his chest. he was so warm. and all of the sudden, she sneezed. and then groaned. the jolt immediately waking the boy in her bed. she had sneezed and woken steve.

"you alright pip?" steve sked quietly, his voice thick and scratchy with sleep. he tried to hug her closer but she merely groaned and shuffled, steve helping her discard the sheets.

"may dancing in the rain wasn't a good idea." she murmured before she wheezed followed by another sneeze. she was sick. steve knew she would sick. he just did. and he laughed as he looked down at his girlfriend. her nose was red, reminding him of rudolph. and her eyes were puffed.

"i told you so." he teased as he grinned watching as she groaned before rolling back into him. she was so warm. and it was his time to groan. trying to pry himself from her. put she just wouldn't let him go. cradling like she was a monkey on a tree.

"give me kisses to make me better?" she asked looking up at steve and puckering her lips.

"no." he laughed as he escaped her grasp, throwing himself out of the bed. the girl noticed he only wore those damn heart boxers.

"you're so mean." she cried trying to reach out for him..

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