SCENE TWENTY. sneaking suspioins

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the banging continued followed by a muffled voice, piper throwing a look to robin who's eyes widened slightly before making her way over to the shaft. popping her head up to find dustin and steve just stood at the wires.

"we've got company." she said before the screech of car wheels came. piper slammed her hand over rica's mouth as the girl went to shout. dragging her to where steve and dustin held their hands out. robin helped to lift the thrashing girl. steve whispered for her to shut up as robin lifted herself up. watching the light on the door flick red green. leaving piper standing in the room alone. steve looked down at her with panicked eyes as the door began to open. the workers watched as the doors raised and opened revealing the empty room. room full of just boxes. and piper fell forward into steve, sending the pair to the floor of the roof. as the workers stepped into the room. one of them upturning their nose straight away. piss. the workers just grabbed a few boxes before driving away. steve looked towards erica who was hugging the green vile to her chest. and the second they were out of sight he jumped down. scrambling to put the tank under the door before it shut.

"let's go.'' steve ordered, the rest of the group jumping down. erica crawled under after her bag, then dustin and robin. till piper and steve were left, the vile slowly beginning to crack as the pair shuffled under. barely making it as it finally gave in, smashing into pieces as the green liquid splattered onto the floor. watching it begin to dissolve and sizzle straight away.

"you still wanna drink that?'' robin added snarky as dustin turned to look at what they had gotten into. it was a long corridor lit with blue lights which never seemed to end.

"well, i hope you guys are in good shape. looking at you roast beef.'' steve said as he passed the group, patting dustin's chest as he did so. the boy's face falling slightly at his words. which piper was quick to notice.

"that's rich coming from you harington!" she shouted after him, rushing to catch up as robin motioned erica and dustin to join them.

"why me?" dustin mumbled looking up at robin who only gave the younger boy a small smile.

"i'll have you know parker that i'm fighting fit. i'm on the -"

"the basketball team, and the swimming team. yeah we know!" robin, dustin and piper shouted back as steve just huffed out, pushing his hair out of his face as they all chuckled. and even erica joined them.


"okay but what time last night?'' mike asked as the couple stood in the doorway. the whole group stood around in the room. el, wil, max and lucas on the sofa as mike stood behind the table staring at the couple.

"around nine." nancy was quick to add. noting how the group looked towards each other quickly.

"you waited all night to call?" john asked, looking at his girlfriend who didn't even bother looking at him.

"i was waiting for the doctors to run some tests." she replied, merely shrugging her shoulders, not removing her eyes from the group of kids before her.

"you weren't there?'' will was quick to ask, looking at his brother in shock. it was rare for one to be seen without the other at the moment.

"well i'm here now, aren't i?" john was quick and offended that everyone seemed to comment on his lack of appearance.



"um so what time was your sauna test?'' nancy asked lightly, rubbing her temple, starting to get annoyed it was taking them so long to get to the points she wanted so desperately.

"around nine."

"well that proves it. that proves my theory."

"she's flayed just like billy." mike added, looking at his friends who nodded their heads in agreement.

"flayed?" johnaton asked confused, looking at them like they were some kind of monsters.

"the mind flayer. he flays people and takes over their mind. once they do that they basically become him.'' mike started, explaining it to the older kids who were nodding and agreeing.

"if there are two flayed-"

"we have to assume there are more."

"heather." el mumbled. finally adding something to the conversation.

"billy was doing something to her. she was scared. she was screaming. bad screams." el whispered, explaining what she had seen in the dream state.

"and then there's piper. el saw the same thing happening to piper." max was quick to add as well, el nodding along with her.

"i'm sorry, i'm lost. who is heather?'' nancy asked, crossing her arms over her chest looking between the children.

"she's a lifeguard at the pool."

"heather holloway?" the pair asked in sync before looking at each other. tom. before remembering the other name.

"okay so who's piper?" johnathon asked, looking at max.

"piper is steve's new girlfriend. piper parker." will start, repeating what max and el had told them and max finished by adding the girls name.

"piper parker?" john shouted, eyes practically blown out of his head as he turned to look at nancy.

"steve's new girlfriend?" nancy exclaimed, shock drew evidently on her face. as she glanced between the kids and then back to her boyfriend.

also, sorry bout going mia for a couple of days. prom was the other night. i haven't been very well either so i'm trying to get my room sorted. i hope you are all good. new chapter soon!! <3

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