SCENE THIRTY SEVEN. cause you and i, we were born to die

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"we found it." they heard robin's cry. the two pulling away from each other to see robin scrambling back into the trees, nancy no longer with her. she pauses, looks between the two. a smile raising on her face as she looked between them.

"oh my god. finally." she cries, this one is even more joyful then the last. like she had just been told the greatest news of all. before her mood suddenly switches as one of the vines next to her slithers. remembering where she was, and what they were doing.

"let's go." she orders, before spinning on her heel and heading back in that direction she came from.

"rob, slow down! rob! robin!" steve yells after her, grabbing piper's hand before pulling the girl along with him. the trees get thinner and lighter as they reach the edge of the woods. the creel house appeared on the streets in front of them. the park in front of the house lit up. the rocket flickering slightly. the bats not bothering to check the light as they screech and snarled at each other by the house.

"erica." steve whispers, confirming the plan to be in motion. they rush over, as quiet as they could be. four teenages stand in the playground before the house. the house that seemed to loom over them, daunting them almost.

"headphones." steve speaks, moving to put the headphones back onto the girls head. he reached for the walkman attached to piper's trousers. pressing the button to play. he could hear the very faint tune of beat it. the music on this side sounds darker, more sinister. making her feel like this was a do or die, which it was.

"okay, love birds have copied. max is moving into phase two: distracting vecna."

"you got this max." piper mumbles, holding her breath as she looked into the house. on the other side, max sat. and she was glad to know she wasn't alone, she had lucas. max didn't like to be alone, but she liked to be alone with him.

"so far, so smooth." robin speaks as she turns to the group.

"don't jinx it rob." piper speaks even with her headphones on she can still hear the groups mumbling.

"yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet." steve mumbles as he turns to the house with the rest of the group. piper started at the window, knowing max was in that room on the other side. the same room vecna stood in at the moment. she could feel him. like deep fear settling into bones. like the shaking ice cold sting right before death.

"ome on max." piper hisses, waiting for the moment. and she feels the air change around them. max had switched off the music.

"she's in. initiate phase three." erica comments. and nancy pulls steve around pulling the walkie out of his bag. radioing into eddie and dustin. piper slowly pulls off the headphones. that gut feeling only grew, something piper believed to be wrong.

"something isn't right."

"parker, this is not the time. put the headphones back on." nancy ordered. and as it followed a faint strumming of eddie's electric guitar came. the bats almost immediately stopping their antics. before snarling, and then soaring in the direction where eddie and dustin where. back at the trailer.

"let's go."nancy ordered next, glaring down piper to put the headphones back on. 'i will survive' starting to play. it felt almost too perfect of a song for the occasion as she walked up to the house. pulling the machete from her bag.

'you think i'd crumble? you think i'd lay down and die?'

she follows behind nancy, second from the front. the house seemed even bigger as they daunted towards it. even the front door felt too large to be. something really wasn't right. she could feel it. like  a faint buzz of electricity in her ear. steve reaches for the door. and the sight before them made them sick to their stomach, not because it was gruesome in any form. but because the floor was slithering in vines. withering and slithering. almost as if they were serpents.

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