SCENE TWENTY SIX. idiots and injections

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"help! help! help!" robin cried out, trying to thras in her chair as she watched the viens travel up piper's arms once more. watching them disappear down the rip in the front of her tank.

"hey, stop yelling." the boy strapped to her finally said as swayed slightly. awaking from his state.

"steve, oh my god. steve, are you okay?" she asked, still not pulling her eyes from the dead looking girl. she couldn't quite tell if she was dead or not. her skin was bruised and bloody and robin couldn't tell if her chest had risen.

"my ears are ringing and i can't really breathe and my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull. but you know, apart from that, i'm doing pretty good."

"well, the good news is that they're calling you a doctor."

"is this his place of work? i love the vibe. piper, where is she?"

"steve." robin mumbled and his eyes turned to the left, where the girl laid on some kind of patient chair, hands strapped to the sides. and she didn't move, she laid there. not even breathing. skin paling by the second, contrasting against the dark viens.

"oh piper." he mumbled.

"do you see that table over there, to her right.and do you see those scissors?"


"yeah, well, i think if we move at the same time, we could get over there. and then maybe i could kick the table and knock them into your lap."

"and i cut the binds."

"yeah, and we could all get out of here."

"gotcha, okay yeah we can do that. those morons. they left scissors in here."

"yeah, morons."

"total morons."

"okay so on the count of three, we're gonna hop"

"okay, good. on three. i gotcha."

"alright one, two, three." and they hoped to the side, chairs scraping along the floor. and this continued, maybe two or three more times. until as the two idiots they were, it failed. the chairs scraped harder and they tumbled to the ground. metal clattering on the floor. and robin started to laugh.

"it's okay, it's okay. don't cry robin." steve added as he felt the girls shaking, not realising she in fact wasn't crying but laughing. giggling and steve couldn't help but sigh as his head dropped back to the floor. looking up at the girl in the chair, she still hasn't moved. he just wanted her to be okay.

"i'm sorry it's just, i can't believe it. i'm going to die in a secret russian base with steve 'the hair' harrington and some ill crazy girl. it's just too trippy, man." robin laughed, hiccuping her giggles as he laid there on the floor, back pressed against steve's back.

"we're not gonna die. we're gonna get out out of here, okay? all of us. you just gotta let me just think for a second. and she's not crazy." steve quickly added, trying to reassure the girl.

"do you remember, um mrs. clicks sophomore history class?"


"mrs. clickity-clackity. that's what us band dweebs called her. it was the first period, tuesdays and thursdays so you were always late. and you always had the same breakfast. bacon, egg and cheese on a sesame bagel. and you always brought two. i sat behind you two days a week for a year. mister funny,mister cool, the king of hawkins high himself. the boy who would sit and stare at the desk beside him, the one that had always been empty. the seat you had always saved for someone who was no longer here,the same person you brought that bagel for. the same girl laid up there. do you even remember me from that class?"


"of ourse you dont. you were a real arsehole, you know that? that's what pushed her away in the first place."

"yeah i know."

"but it didn't even matter. it didn't matter that you were an arse. i was still obsessed with you. even though all of us losers pretended to be above it all we still just wanna be popular, accepted, normal."

"if it makes you feel any better, having those isn't all that great. seriously. it just baffles me. everything that people tell you is important, everything that people say you should care about, it's all just bullshit. but i guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right?"

"i hope so. i feel like my whole life has been one big error. at least it can't get any more messed up than his."

"you know, i wish i'd known you in click's class." he admitted, he knew back then he would have laughed in her face, called her a word names. like he had done with the only real friend he had. maybe he could have another chance, of real friends. he had a dustin, and dustin was the bestest friend he had ever had. but maybe he needed a robin too.


"really, i do."

"maybe you could've helped me pass the class. maybe instead of being here, i'd be on my way to college right now.'' steve chuckled thinking all the things he could be doing inside of being stuck in this trashy down. he could be going to uni, he could have convinced her to come back. but there it was, she was back. but she was there, lying still. almost dead. and it was his fault.

"and i would have no idea that there were evil russians beneath our feet. and i would happily sling ice cream with some other schmuck."

"and she would be okay." he mumbled.

"gotta say though, i liked being your schmuck. it was fun while it lasted.'' steve added, quick to change the subject as he felt the tears sting his eyes as he looked up at her.

"it was." she mumbled and then the silence started to seep in once more. but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. more relaxing. it was just the two of them, and the hopefully not dying girl on the bed.

"where were you two going?" the officer chuckled, looking down at the two teengers on the floor. as the men behind him lead in a doctor with a tray. and they were lifted from the floor. sat upright on the chairs once more.

"try telling the truth this time, yes? it will make your visit with dr zharkov less painful."

"wait a second, hold on. okay! wait. what is that thing?"

"it will help you talk."

"did you even clean that thing?" he exclaimed as the doctor grabbed his head, tilting it to the side. his neck was on display as he pushed the needle closer to the boy's neck.

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