SCENE TWENTY NINE. the drugged and the possessed

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"honestly, i don't really feel anything. do you?'' steve asked, he did in fact feel completely fine. not like a giant needle with an unknown substance had been stuck in his neck.

"i mean, i feel fine. i feel normal." robin mumbled as she leaned backwards into steve.

"i kinda feel good.'' steve added, forgetting about it all. forgetting about being trapped in a secret russian base, forgetting about the dying girl just laid on the bed.

"wanna know a secret?" robin murmured as she hiccuped on her giggles once more.


"i like it too." and they both just started laughing. leaning into one another as their laughing continued.

"morons, they messed up the drug."

"they messed it up! morons!"


"oh no, there is definitely something wrong with us."

"something's wrong." and the door buzzed before slamming open, the guards returning with the said doctor once more.

"wouldno be a good time to tell you that i don't like doctors?" robin mumbled as she watched the doctor starting to lay out his weapons on the desk next to piper.

"let's try this again, yes? who do you work for?"

"scoops. scoops ahoy." steve chuckled and even robin couldn't help but giggle along too.

"how did you find us?" the guard asked once more. not realising that the girl beside the doctor was now twitching slightly. she was waking up.

"totally by accident." he laughed, robin roaring out in laughter as well. drugged in fact they were.

"what is that shiny little toy?" steve asked as the doctor nodded, picking random etenils of the desk.

"where are you going with that doc?" robin added as he walked past her, walking up to steve. grabbing the boy's hand as he cried out, trying to thrash away from them. and this continued, but none of them seemed to throw the dying girl another glance. they didn't notice the veins getting darker, her skin getting colder.

"who knows we are here, little bitch?" the guard spat as he stood over robin.

"yeah well dustin knows."

"hey steve?" robin spat,asif she had completely sobered up as steve started to sli the truth.

"yeah, dustin henderson, he knows."

"steve!'' robin groaned as she knocked back into him, trying to tell him to stop.

"dustin henderson. it is your small, curly haired friend?"

"oh, curly-haired. great hair. small. kind of like a 'fro. yeah."

"where is he?"

"he's long gone, you big arsehole. and he's probably calling hopper, and hopper's calling the us cavalry. they're gonna come in here, commando, style. guns a-blazin and kick your sorry arses back to russia. you're going to be two pieces of toast." steve smirked, the grin lifting onto his bloodied face.

"is that so?" the guard mocked as he leaned down to look steve in the eyes as the boy giggled once more. and she shot up, bed jolting as she sat up. the black veins are more prominent, much like the blank stare. steve and robin jaw slacked at her appearance.

"boo." she laughed, a sick grin stretching onto her features as she simply ripped the bonds holding her down, as if it were nothing. the russians looked at each other with wide eyes as they reached for their guns.

"oh fuck." robin shouted as piper only grinned, grabbing the knife the doctor had placed on the table as he charged at her with the pilers. but she was much faster, knocking him backwards into the table, watching it clatter to the floor. as he fell back. the officer staring at her wide eyed, grabbing his walkie talkie. pressing the red button signalling for help. and she charged at him, knife raised as steve and robin screamed for joy. not realising what was actually happening. they didn't realise that the thing trying to control her had completely taken over. grabbing the officer's gun, shooting the other two guards between the eyes as the alarm started to blaze out. the girl standing over the russian guard, empty eyes and holding the gun in one hand. and the now bloodied knife in the other.

"you're going to pay for this." she mumbled, but it wasn't her voice. it was cold, harsh. not piper.

"holy shit piper!" robin laughed as she stood. now the blood on her was no longer just hers.

"that was so fucking hot!" steve exclaimed as the doctor slowly lifted himself off the floor. walking up behind her, going to stab her in the back when the door slammed open. dustin and erica charging it. he held some kind of eleratice weapon. hitting the doctor straight in the chest.

"hey henderson! that's crazy. i was just talking about you."

"oh my god!"

"get ready to run." and the second the binds were of steve he leaped up, pullingpiper towards him as she crumbled the second his warmth surrounded her. and he was dragging her off, following dustin to some kind of car as the russians tried to break down the other door. and they were off. dustin and erica climbed into the front as robin, steve and piper pulled into the back.

"jesus! slow down!'' steve asked as he went flying into the gate. knocking pier who was curled into the corner, hands over her ears. head burrowed in her lap.

"yeah, what is this, like, the indy 500?"

"it's the indy 300."

"no dingus, it's 500!"

"it's 300!"

"let's say a million."

"what the fuck is wrong with you two."

"sorry dad." steve mocked, both him and robin bursting out into laughter once more as piper rolled her eyes.

"what is wrong with them?" erica shouted.

"i don't know!" dustin exclaimed as he drove towards the elevator which was not visible in the long corridor. slamming into some cans to stop the car. before the group was piling back into the elevator. the girl crawling into the same corner she had been in last time. trying to ignore the gun pressing against her hip as she gently cried.

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