SCENE FOUR. painting past

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"so?" mary asked as the two drove towards their home, piper turning to look at her mum, who was already throwing glances at her as she drove down the road.

"so what?'' piper asked confused,brows curing into confusion as she looked at her mum.

"steve?" mary mumbled the boy's name as piper snapped her head to look back at her mum as she laughed at the girl's actions.

"what about him?" she asked, trying to cover the look on her face, a look her mum couldn't figure out.

"well i wanted to know what he said, you both look quite flustered." mary laughed, turning back to the road as she pulled into their street.

"i think we are hanging out tomorrow." piper smiled, looking out into the street she grew up in, soon to pull into her own drive.

"hanging out?'' mary asked, raising her brow at her daughter. noticing the smile on her daughter's face. but she couldn't help but remember how steve treated her daughter. how he was her best friend, how he became the boy that made her daughter cry in the bathroom during the late nights after school.

"yeah, '' he said. ice cream on the house. and i can't say no to free ice cream." piper said as they arrived at their home.

"fair enough." her mother smiled as they pulled into their drive. their neighbour was outside cutting his grass, his wife sat on their porch drinking her afternoon tea. something they had done since piper was like seven. the pair smiled and waved as the two girls carried their bags inside. piper dragging the bags for the bedrooms to the bedrooms. starting to work in her room, switching the radio on. swatching the two paint colours straight from the tub. one grey, and a light cream colour. her new posters still rolled up on the floor. and she dropped onto her bed. the two colours swatches on the bright pink walls which would remain bare until fully painted. and now the bags of stuff she bought littered the floor.


"yeah?" she shouted, yet her mother didn't reply.

"piper!" she shouted again and the girl groaned as she picked herself up from her bed. taking the mental note that she had to change the sheets from the bright green to dark red. walking from her room to find hermum sat on the diner table sorting out her food shopping.

"i was wondering if you wanted a take away tonight?" and even though her mum made her walk all the way over to the kitchen she smiled and nodded.

"pizza?" piper asked, grinning like a child who was given sweets and mary laughed at her daughter agreeing before paper was walking back to her room. settling on the cream coloured walls. and an hour or so later the walls had been painted from that awful pink, but seeing as the colour had been so bright another couple of later would need to be done. letting the thin layer dry

before continuing with her room. eventually hearing her mum dragging the furniture around. hearing the soft ticking of the clock that soundlike like it was outside her door in the hallway. then the door ran as she finally finished covering the bright walls in the pretty creamy colour.

"piper! pizza!'' mary shouted and the girl was running from her room. her mother only gave her a disgusted look as she noticed the state of her daughter. he had the paint all over her. it was in her hair, splattered on her face and all over the girl's grey joggers. and the two girls sat down on the chairs, tv playing softly as they watched the episodes of doctor who. laughing at the wacky things he was saying. and soon piper was returning to her room. the walls had dried and she could now hang up the posters and pictures. and once she was done she threw herself back at her bed, which now had the red sheets. groaning into the pillows. as she stretched, feeling the dried paint move with her skin. she needed a shower. desperately. rolling over to look at the clock.


"fuck." the girl mumbled, she had heard her mum go to bed a long time ago but she didn't think it was this late. but she looked back into her room. the posters hung on the walls, the litre of photos hanging around. and she felt at content. at home. but, she really needed a cigarette. turning down her radio slightly, now being able to hear her mum snoring from her room. and she walked to her window. throwing her legs out as she sat on the ledge. the night stilling as usual, peaceful. but hawkins was never peaceful, little did piper know. that her life was about to get much more stressful. and all thanks to a boy with cherry coloured lips who scoops ice cream.

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