SCENE THIRTY THREE. good girls gone bad

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and she shot up in her seat, so quickly steve found himself jerking the rv forward slightly as they drove into a town. the girl made quick work of rushing to the bathroom. looking herself in there. robin who sat the closest got up, leaning against the wall and tapping the door with her knuckle lightly.

"piper, are you okay?" she questioned softly, and the door slammed open. a pale hand reaching for robin's collar and she was yanked inside with a squeak. eddie moving over to guide steve towards the direction of the store now they were in the small town.

"i am still in love with him." piper hissed, ehr hands running down her face as if it was hunting to admit this fact. and robin's face twisted in humour.

"no? really?"

"robin." she spat, and robin giggled softly. changing her demeanour. turning serious as she apologised.

"sorry." the taller girl opened her arms, offering the girl to hug her if she wishes. and she did. patting the girls back softly before eddie knuckle tapped the door, the sound of his metal ring against wood echoed lightly.

"we've arrived ladies." he spoke in a fake british accent. causing robin to snicker lightly as she pulled ack from piper. slamming the door open, nearly hitting him in the face as he fell back. he lay crumbled on the chair when they slumped out of the tiny bathroom. he found himself wondering if there was even enough space for the girls in the spot. robin glides past and piper looks down at him. hoding her hand out for him, and he grinned. baring his teeth lightly as she tugged him up to stand.

"right half of us go, yeha?" nancy questioned looking to the wanted man,who nodded and slumped on the sofa. not like he wanted to in anyways.

"i'll go." max perked up. piper shooting her an warning glance.

"then so will i." piper followed it up. steve groaned.

"that's me in." steve spat, slapping his knees as he got up. he needed an outfit change anyways. maybe there would be some clothes in there.

"fine, i'll go too." robin too groaned. and the group waiting outside the rv, staring down the enormous store in front of their eyes. and eddie motions for them to go from the doors, the group makes a move to enter the store. a musty smell hitting her nose almost immediately, the faint scent of metal and violent b.o. erica, nancy, robin, piper, max, and steve couldn't look more out of place in a place like this.

"so much for ignoring angry hicks."


"agreed." piper commented, feeling a hand reaching to hold her own. looking down find max's holding the girls gand. a small smile brewed on her face as she pulled max away. looking for anything that might help. max found herself browsing at lighters when piper's eyes caught a machete hung on the wall on the weapons rack. when she rounded the corner onto that idol she found a boy. stripped from his clothes.

"oh my god! steve!" piper cried, throwing a hand over her eyes, even if she had seen him more then naked before. he screamed, quickly pulling the cargo trousers from his ankles. tumbling slightly, piper laughing as she heard the boy rumble and tumble trying tot change.

"you never fail to amaze me steve, stripping in a store? that's a new low. even for you." she laughed, moving the hand from her face. steve now stood, leaning on the isle trying to pretend like nothing was wrong. like she hadn't caught him trying to change in the back isles of the shop. like he hadn't fallen over when she had caught him.

"i think you'd suit that." she smiled, pointing over to the jackethung on the rack. one that looked like the ones they wore in top gun. he grinned, nodding and agreeing. turning to grab the jacket and when he turned round she was still stood there. something he clearly did not expect.

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